    摘要本文在一个大气压下通过化学动力分析方法研究了甲醛和甲烷相互作用机理对混合火焰中主要物质含量和反应速率的影响。并分成了两个方面对其相互作用进行详细分析,一方面是添加物甲醛的化学作用对层流预混甲烷火焰的影响;另一方面, 又通过类似的方法研究了添加物甲烷对层流预混甲醛火焰的影响。其中分析了添加物对燃烧反应中的主要产物,中间产物,自由基的含量,产生速率和火焰结构的化学作用影响,重点关注了对烟气前体形成和含氧污染排放物的影响。研究结果表明添加物甲醛的化学作用使甲烷消耗曲线移向了火焰上游,并且有效抑制了乙炔,乙烯酮的生成,但同时促进了甲醛,乙醛的生成。占主导作用的甲醛化学作用则增加了 O 和 OH 自由基含量,相差不大的甲醛稀释和化学作用的共同作用则使得 H 自由基含量基本文持不变。添加甲烷的甲醛火焰研究结果表明添加物甲烷增加了乙炔,乙醛和乙烯酮的含量, 其化学作用则能加速反应物甲醛的分解。占主导作用的甲烷稀释作用则减少了 O 和 OH 自由基含量,相当的两个作用则同样使H自由基含量基本文持不变。   27559
    毕业论文关键词   甲烷火焰   甲醛火焰   化学作用   添加甲醛  添加甲烷  动力分析
    Title        The influence of chemical effects of methane  addition   on formaldehyde flames  
    Abstract The purpose of this study is to  analyze  the chemical interactions of methane and formaldehyde on the contents and production rates of major species in blended flames. The detailed analysis are pided into two aspects as follows: on the one hand,  the chemical effects of formaldehyde addition on laminar premixed methane flames at atmospheric pressure by kinetic analysis.  Another aspect is the analysis of influence of methane addition on laminar premixed formaldehyde flames which is studied by similar methods and working conditions.  The concentrations, rate of production and flame structures of major species, intermediate species and free radicals which are impacted by chemical effects of additives are analyzed in this study with special focus on the formations of soot precursor and oxygenated polluted emissions. The results explain that chemical effects of formaldehyde addition lead the methane profile to move towards the upstream side and restrain the formations  of acetylene and ketene with promotion of productions of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in the meantime. The mole fractions of free radical O and OH increases since the chemical effects of formaldehyde which cause this tendency preponderate while the concentrations of free radical H nearly stay the same due to these two equivalent effects of formaldehyde. The results of formaldehyde flames blended with methane indicate that the concentrations of acetylene,  acetaldehyde and ketene ascend as a portion of reactions are substituted by additives and the chemical effects of methane can accelerate the consumption of formaldehyde, though. The dilution and thermal effects of methane lead to a decrease in free radical O and OH concentrations. In contrast, the mole fraction profiles of H in blended fuels agree with the one in pure formaldehyde fuels under the two equivalent effects.    Keywords    methane flames   formaldehyde  addition   chemical effects   kinetic analysis
    目   次 
    1   引言  1
    2   研究方法和途径  4
    3   结果与讨论  5
    3.1  添加甲醛的甲烷燃烧火焰分析  5
    3.2  添加甲烷的甲醛燃烧火焰分析  34
    结论    54
    致谢    55
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