    Title  Studies on safety performance of a type of Composite fuel
    In this paper, by using the combined method of theoretical analysis and test study of composite fuel security, mainly on the physical and chemical properties of composite fuel, characterizing the sensitivity, the compatibility and thermal stability were studied. Physico-chemical properties of the composite fuel mainly includes the density and heat of combustion, sensitivity test includes two aspects of the impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity, including fuel formula compatibility between the various components of the compatibility and fuel instead may come into contact with the outside the compatibility between the materials. Compatibility with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), is a single component system and mixed system in the process of thermal decomposition under different temperature rise rate, and in accordance with the criterion of nations target, the compatibility and thermal stability of judgment. Compatibility outside by using a corrosive action on metals, determining composite fuel rather than may come into contact with the metal material (e.g., 45 # steel, aluminum, copper) outside of compatibility. Through experiments show that the composite fuel impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity is low, inside compatibility between components and between metal materials and the compatibility level is higher, indicated that the composite fuel has good compatibility, safety performance is higher.
    Keywords :Composite fuel ; physical and chemical properties ; compatibility ; safety performance .
    目 次
    1  引言1
    1.1  研究的背景及意义1
    1.2  国内外研究概况及发展趋势1
    1.3  本文主要工作3
    2  复合燃料的理化性能测试4
    2.1  燃料组成及其基本性质4
    2.2  密度的测定5
    2.2.1  测试方法及原理6
    2.2.2  测试结果和分析6
    2.3  燃烧热测定6
    2.3.1  测试方法及原理6
    2.3.2  测试结果和分析7
    3  燃料的感度分析9
    3.1  撞击感度9
    3.1.1  测试方法及原理9
    3.1.2  测试结果和分析9
    3.2  摩擦感度9
    3.2.1 测试方法及原理10
    3.2.2 测试结果和分析10
    4 复合燃料的相容性11
    4.1   内相容性测试11
    4.1.1 方法原理11
    4.1.2  测试仪器、测试条件及评判标准11
    4.1.3   试样制备12
    4.1.4   实验步骤13
    4.1.5   数据处理方法13
    4.1.6   实验数据处理分析16
    4.1.7   实验数据处理分析20
    4.2   热安定性分析20
    4.3   外相容性测试21
    4.3.1   实验原理和评判标准22
    4.3.2   实验仪器及测试条件22
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