    The study on the impact of moisture on sliver bioavailability in soil
    Abstract: With the extensive use of AgNP as antibacterial materials in industrial production and personal life, there has been an increased risk in the release of AgNPs to the environment. Sludge farming is one of the main routes for AgNPs to enter the soil. Its environmental behavior is affected by soil physical and chemical properties. Soil moisture can affect the bioavailability of Ag by changing soil properties. Field experiment which continuously applys sludge to farmland shows that the continuously application of sludge to the soil results in the accumulation of Ag in the soil surface, and in soil profile Ag and Zn show the phenomenon of co-migration. The application of sludge could improve the bioavailability of Ag. The concentration of Ag in wheat grain in the industrial sludge treatment is 6.31 times of that in the conventional fertilization treatment, while the concentrations of Ag in rice grain have no significant difference. Glasshouse pot experiment shows that soil moisture has significant effects on the bioavailability of Ag in paddy soil, its effect is related to the change of soil physical and chemical properties such as pH, Eh and the concentration of anion such as PO43-, Cl-, SO42-, and S2-. Under flooding condition, the accumulation of Ag in rice is concentrated in the root, which inhibits the transfer of Ag from the root to the stem and leaf, this reduces the accumulation of Ag in the edible part of the crop, which can reduce the risk of Ag in human health.
    Key words: moisture;AgNPs;sewage sludge; bioavailability
    目  录

    Key words1
    1 长期连续污泥农用下银在土壤和作物中的累积和运转规律研究3
    1.1 材料与方法3
    1.1.1 试验基地与试验设计3
    1.1.2 样品采集与处理4
    1.1.3 测定项目与方法4
    1.1.4 数据处理与分析5
    1.2 结果与分析5
    1.2.1 银在土壤表层的累积5
    1.2.2 银在土壤剖面的迁移5
    1.2.3 作物中银含量的差异6
    1.3 讨论6
    1.3.1 土壤中银的累积迁移规律6
    1.3.2 作物中累积的银含量6
    1.4 小结6
    2 水分条件对土壤中银有效性的影响7
    2.1 材料与方法7
    2.1.1 供试材料7
    2.1.2 试验设计与实施7
    2.1.3 样品采集与处理7
    2.1.4 测定项目与方法7
    2.1.5 数据处理与分析8
    2.2 结果与分析8
    2.2.1 水分条件对土壤中银有效性的影响8
    2.2.2 水分条件对作物富集银的影响8
    2.2.3 土壤化学性质及阴离子与银有效性的关系9
    2.3 讨论11
    2.3.1 水分条件对土壤银有效性的影响11
    2.3.2 水分条件对植物中银含量的影响11
    2.4 小结11
    3 总结11
    银(Ag)作为一种常见的贵金属,拥有良好的抗菌性、导电性、延展性,在电子电器、化工材料、能源工业以及医药等方面有广泛的应用[1-2]。随着纳米技术的进步,银的粒径能够降低至纳米级(1-100 nm),抗菌性得到显著提高,广泛应用于医学、材料、生物科学、能源生产等领域,目前纳米银(AgNPs)已成为应用最广泛的纳米材料,其产量也在逐年上升[3]。
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