    摘要:本论文是在酸性化学镀镍液中以次亚磷酸钠为还原剂,尿素(CO(NH2)2)、糖精(C7H5O3NS)和碘化钾(KI)为添加剂。通过改变添加剂浓度、化学镀镍温度以及反应时间研究参数改变时,对碳纤文表面化学镀镍的影响。酸性化学镀镍液的组成为751水合硫酸镍(NiSO4•6H2O)26g/L,柠檬酸三钠盐二水合物(C6H9Na3O9)25g/L,次亚磷酸钠(NaH2PO2)24g/L,无水乙酸钠(即醋酸钠)(CH3COONa)20g/L,配制成500mL溶液,PH=5.1(控制在4~6),温度50℃。碳纤文表面化学镀镍工艺包括前处理跟化学镀镍,前处理工序包括化学除油、敏化及活化。通过实验研究可知,碳纤文表面经过一定前处理后,在本实验化学镀镍液中进行化学镀镍沉积,表面能获得均匀的金属镍镀层,镀层导电率良好,为0.001 kΩ•cm-1。29417
    Study on electroless nickel plating on carbon fibers
    Abstract: This paper is using sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent in the acidic electroless nickel plating solution, using CO(NH2)2, C7H5O3NS and KI as the additive concentration. By changing the additive concentration, electroless nickel plating temperature and reaction time in order to study on the effect of these changes on the surface of carbon fiber electroless nickel plating when these parameters changing. The acidic electroless nickel plating solution is consisted of NiSO4•6H2O 26g/L, C6H9Na3O9 25g/L, NaH2PO2 24g/L, CH3COONa 20g/L, preparation of 500mL solution, PH=5.1(control in 4 to 6), at the temperature of 50 degrees. Electroless nickel plating process of carbon fibers includes pre-treatment and electroless nickel plating, wherever the pre-treatment process includes chemical oil removal, sensitization, activation. Through this experimental research, the carbon fiber surface after pretreatment, electroless nickel plating deposited on the process of electroless nickel plating, nickel plating surface can obtain a uniform coating, good conductivity, 0.001 kΩ•cm-1.
    Key words: carbon fiber; pre-treatment; electroless nickel plating; deposition parameters; electrical conductivity
    目  录
    1 前言    1
    1.1 课题研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2 表面镀镍的研究现状    1
    1.2.1 化学镀镍的研究进展    1
    1.2.2 化学镀镍的发展前景    2
    1.2.3 碳纤文表面镀镍的研究现状    2
    2 实验原理    3
    2.1敏化原理    3
    2.2 活化原理    3
    2.3 化学镀镍原理    3
    3 实验部分    6
    3.1 实验仪器及药品    6
    3.1.1 主要仪器    6
    3.1.2 实验药品、材料    6
    3.2 化学镀镍液组成及配制    7
    3.2.1 前处理溶液组成及配制    7
    3.2.2 化学镀镍液组成及配制    8
    3.2.3 实验步骤    9
    3.3 性能测试    10
    3.3.1 不同配方及不同反应时间下镀层导电性能的测定    10
    3.3.2 镀镍碳纤文SEM表面形貌的测定    10
    4 实验数据分析与讨论    11
    4.1添加剂种类及浓度对碳纤文表面化学镀镍的影响    11
    4.1.1 尿素不变,碘化钾浓度的改变对碳纤文表面化学镀镍的影响    11
    4.1.2 尿素和碘化钾浓度的改变对碳纤文表面化学镀镍的影响    15
    4.1.3 糖精不变,碘化钾浓度的改变对碳纤文表面化学镀镍的影响    19
    4.1.4 糖精和碘化钾浓度的改变对碳纤文表面化学镀镍的影响    23
    4.2碳纤文表面化学镀镍表面形貌的测定与分析    27
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