    Study on Preparation and properties of reactive formaldehyde absorbent
    Abstract: This subject was in a line of the completion of the new type of reactive formaldehyde absorbent: Z- hydroxyethyl - three ethyl amine acetate、Z- hydroxyethyl - diisopropyl ethyl amine acetate、Z- hydroxyethyl - tributyl amine acetate. In this subject, the best temperature, time and solvent of the reaction were studied. To choose triethylamine(diisopropyl ethyl amine、tributyl amine) as the raw material. Start amine: chlorohydrin=1:1(mol ratio) to react for 10 hours in 40-45℃,product : ammonium acetate=1:1(mol ratio) to react for 16 hours in 50℃, ammonium acetate uses methanol as solvent dissolution. Finally get Z- hydroxyethyl - three ethyl amine acetate, Z- hydroxyethyl - diisopropyl ethyl amine acetate、Z- hydroxyethyl - tributyl amine acetate. the productive rate is 78.5%、89%、82.4%.
    Key Words: Z- hydroxyethyl - three ethyl amine acetate;syntheses; liquid chromatography; formaldehyde absorbent
     目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  空气中甲醛污染现状    1
    1.1.1  甲醛的危害及对人体健康的影响    1
    1.1.2  甲醛的浓度标准    2
    1.2  室内甲醛污染控制    3
    1.2.1  增加通风提供足够的新风    3
    1.2.2  针对污染源的方法    3
    1.2.3  采用生物学的方法    3
    1.3  多聚甲醛    3
    1.3.1  多聚甲醛的性质及用途    3
    1.3.2  我国多聚甲醛的应用与市场    5
    1.3.3  多聚甲醛的制备    6
    1.3.4  多聚甲醛中的游离甲醛    7
    1.4  反应型甲醛吸收剂的种类    7
    1.4.1  乙撑基脲的氨基衍生物型甲醛消除剂    8
    1.4.2  硝基清漆为基质甲醛吸收剂    9
    1.5  本课题的研究目的与意义    9
    1.5.1  目的    9
    1.5.2  意义    9
    2  Z-羟乙基-三乙基胺乙酸盐的合成    10
    2.1  使用的材料试剂、仪器设备    10
    2.1.1  使用的材料试剂    10
    2.1.2  实验仪器与设备    10
    2.2  反应型甲醛吸收剂的合成    10
    2.2.1  Z-羟乙基-三乙基胺乙酸盐的合成    11
    2.2.2  Z-羟乙基-二异丙基乙基胺乙酸盐的合成    13
    2.2.3  Z-羟乙基-三丁基胺乙酸盐的合成    14
    3  实验结果与讨论    16
    3.1  溶剂的选择    16
    3.2  时间选择    20
    3.3  Z-羟乙基-三乙基胺乙酸盐的黏度分析    20
    3.4  测试吸收甲醛结果    21
    4  结论    22
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