    摘要:本文通过大量实验筛选出了可用于聚甲醛(POM)阻燃的几种阻燃剂:聚磷酸铵(APP)、三聚氰胺(MEL)、季戊四醇(PER)、氢氧化铝(ATH)、硼酸锌及氧化铈等,然后以APP、MEL和PER 作为复配阻燃体系的主要组分,分别以ATH、硼酸锌或氧化铈等作为阻燃体系助剂,采用正交实验的方法,研究了各复配体系不同组分配比对POM 阻燃效果及力学性能的影响。通过极限氧指数(LOI)、拉力测试、热重测试(TG-DSC)、垂直燃烧测试等系列测试与表征,结果表明:有些常用阻燃剂不但不能阻燃 POM,反而会加速 POM 的热分解;有些常用阻燃剂对 POM 有一定的阻燃作用,但效果不是很好。通过复配后,所得的阻燃体系对 POM 的阻燃效果会显著提高,特别是以硼酸锌、氧化铈为助剂的复配阻燃体系对POM有极佳的阻燃效果。当几种不同组分以合适的比例复配后,以30%的含量添加到POM 中所得到的阻燃POM 其氧指数能达到45左右, 阻燃等级能达到V-1级甚至 V-0级,具有较好的应用前景。 57152
    Study on Flame Retardant Poly Formaldehyde with Organic-inorganic Compound Flame Retardant System
    Abstract:  In this paper,  several flame retardants such as ammonium polyphosphate (APP), melamine (MEL), pentaerythritol (PER), aluminum hydroxide (ATH), zinc borate  and cerium oxide, which are used for poly (POM) flame retardant, were selected through lots of experiments. And then, APP, MEL and PER were used as the main flame retardant compenets, ATH, zinc borate  or  cerium oxide were used  as  the additives,  the compound flame retardant system (CFRS) were prepared and the effects of the mass ratio of different composites in the CFRS  on flame retardant efficiency and mechnical propeties of flame retardant POM  were studied by using the orthogonal test method. Through the tests and characterizations such as the limit oxygen index (LOI), tensile test, thermal weight test (TG-DSC), vertical burning test, et al, the results indicated that some commonly used flame retardants not only could not improve the flammability of POM, but also accelerated the its thermal decomposition. While  at  the same time, some commonly used flame retardants could improve the POM flammability, but the effect is not very good. Through the compound of selected single retardant, the flame retardnat effect of the obtained flame retardant system for POM would be increased obviously, especilly when use the zinc borate or cerium oxide as the additive, the obtianed flame retardant system had excellent  flame reatrdant effect on POM. When the APP, MEL, PER and zinc borate (or cerium oxide) were mixed with certain mass ratio,  and then added in the POM with the 30(w.t.)% weight content, the limiting oxygen index of the obtained flame retardant POMs can reach about 45, and the corrsponding flame retardant grade can reach V-1, and even V-0 level, which has better application prospect.
    Key words:POM; Organic-inorganic flame retardant;  Zinc borate; Cerium oxide;  Limiting oxygen index

    目   录 

    1 绪论  . 1 

    1.1 聚甲醛阻燃的研究  .. 1 

    1.1.1 无机氢氧化物阻燃剂  .. 1 

    1.1.2 硼系和钼系阻燃剂   2 

    1.1.3 氮系阻燃剂   2 

    1.1.4 磷-氮复合阻燃剂   2 

    1.1.5 复合阻燃体系  .. 3 

    1.1.6 目前聚甲醛阻燃存在的问题  .. 4 

    1.2 阻燃剂的阻燃机理  .. 4 

    1.2.1 单一阻燃剂的阻燃机理  . 4 

    1.2.2 膨胀型阻燃系统(IFR)的阻燃机理  .. 5 

    1.3 本课题的研究内容及意义  .. 5 

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