Current situation evaluation of the underground water in the site of the thermal power plant in Lanzhou new district
Abstract: In recent years, thermal power generation has been the major pattern of power generation in our country. However, it causes a large amount of industrial wastewater emission and leakage of ash yard, which makes great contributions to the pollution of underground water. The underground water environmental quality has been raising more and more social attention due to its close relations to various aspects of people’s life. This paper made a research on the underground water in the site of the thermal power plant in Lanzhou new district. Nemerow index method and gray relative analysis method were used to evaluate the underground water quality of four monitoring well in the site. The evaluation results were different: the result of Nemerow index method showed that the underground water quality of four monitoring well was very poor; the result of gray relative analysis method showed that the underground water quality of two wells was Ⅴ class and the other two Ⅲ class. In contrast of the two methods' results, the gray relative analysis method is more suitable for the evaluation of underground water quality of the site. At the end of the paper, some relevant suggestions were put forward in combination with the evaluation results.
Key words: Underground water environmental quality; Evaluation of underground water quality; Nemerow index method; Gray relative analysis method; Suggestions.
1 研究背景 1
2 兰州新区火电厂厂址区概况 1
2.1自然地理概况 1
2.2 地下水化学特征 2
2.3 地下水开发利用 2
3 兰州新区火电厂厂址区水质现状评价的内容 3
3.1监测点布置 3
3.2 监测频率 3
3.3 监测指标的选取与测量结果 3
4 兰州新区火电厂厂址区地下水水质评价 4
4.1 内梅罗指数评价法 4
4.1.1基本原理 4
4.1.2 评价结果 5
4.2 灰色关联分析法 7
4.2.1 基本原理 7
4.2.2 评价结果 8
4.3 评价结果对比分析 16
5 结论及建议 17
5.1 结论 17
5.2 地下水保护的措施与建议 17
参考文献 18
1 研究背景
火力发电是我国的主要发电方式之一,它利用煤、石油、天然气等矿物质原料进行发电,其建设关系着国计民生,是一个巨大、复杂的系统工程。本文针对拟建中电投兰州新区热电联产工程进行厂址区的地下水水质现状研究。常用的地下水水质评价方法主要有单因子评价法和综合评价法,综合评价法中又包括综合指数法、人工神经网络模型、模糊综合评判法、灰色聚类法等[1]。单因子评价是指分别对单个指标进行分析评价[2] ,反映地下水中某一单一污染物的情况,该方法简洁直观, 可以直接了解水质状况与评价标准之间的关系, 是目前我国环境监测系统划分水质类别的评价方法[3]。综合评价法是指通过多个指标综合判断地下水的水质状况,反映地下水水质现状的整体情况[4]。
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