    摘要:在光亮硫酸铜镀液中进行电沉积获得光亮铜预镀层后,以硫酸铜镀液为基础在阴极滴加TiO2包覆Fe2O3纳米颗粒进行电沉积获得复合镀层。通过改变电流密度、超声搅拌、磁场吸引强度、复合镀层厚度来探究不同工艺条件对复合镀层中TiO2包覆Fe2O3纳米颗粒的共沉积效果的影响。利用扫描电镜和能谱分析来观察镀层表面形貌和纳米复合镀层成分。确定在使用酸性硫酸铜镀液的作为基础镀液的情况下,光亮镀铜电流密度为Jk(光亮镀铜)= 3A/dm2和复合镀铜的电流密度Jk(复合镀铜)=4A/dm2取得最佳效果。超声条件下,TiO2包覆Fe2O3颗粒无法发生共沉积,生成复合镀层。当磁性吸引强度不足时,TiO2包覆Fe2O3颗粒无法发生共沉积,生成复合镀层,而随磁性吸引的强度增加,TiO2包覆Fe2O3颗粒沉积量逐渐增加,复合镀层中TiO2包覆Fe2O3颗粒含量逐渐提高。当光亮铜预镀层理论厚度为600nm时,复合镀层理论厚度为2200nm时复合镀层效果最佳,表面颗粒沉积均匀且颗粒最多。33235
     Study on composite electroplating process of copper with Fe2O3 coated with TiO2
    Abstract: Electrodeposition of copper plating on the bright copper plating bath in bright copper plating bath was carried out, and the composite coating was obtained by electrodeposition of copper sulfate and Fe2O3 nanoparticles coated with TiO2 nanoparticles. By changing the current density, ultrasonic agitation and attraction of the magnetic field strength, composite coating thickness to explore the different conditions of TiO2 in composite coating coated Fe2O3 nanoparticles co electrodeposition effect influence. The morphology and composition of the composite coating were observed by SEM and energy spectrum. Sure in the use of acidic copper plating solution as the base case, bright copper plating current density is Jk (bright copper plating) = 3A/dm2 and composite plating Jk (composite plating) =4A/dm2 achieved the best result. Under the condition of ultrasound, the Fe2O3 coating can not produce the co deposition, and the composite coating is generated. When the magnetic attraction strength is insufficient, TiO2 coated Fe2O3 particles cannot occur co deposition, generating composite coating, and increase with the magnetic attraction strength TiO2 coating Fe2O3 particle deposition amount increases gradually, composite coating TiO2 coated Fe2O3 particle content increased gradually. When the copper thickness of the bright copper is 600nm, the composite coating is 2200nm, the effect is the best, the surface particles are uniform and the particles are the most.
    Keywords: Electrodeposition of copper,Composite electrodeposition,Fe2O3 coated with TiO2  nanocomposites,Composite coatings
    1.    绪论    - 1 -
    1.1    课题的背景和意义    - 1 -
    1.2    复合电镀技术    - 1 -
    1.2.1    电镀及复合电镀技术简介    - 1 -
    1.2.2    纳米复合电镀技术简介    - 2 -
    1.2.3    合电沉积的影响因素    - 2 -
    1.2.4    复合电沉积机理研究概况    - 2 -
    1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    - 3 -
    1.3.1    Cu-Al2O3复合镀层    - 4 -
    1.3.2    Cu-SiC复合镀层    - 4 -
    1.3.3    Cu-SiO2复合镀层    - 5 -
    1.4    发展趋势    - 6 -
    2.    实验部分    - 8 -
    2.1    主要研究的内容    - 8 -
    2.2    研究达到的目标    - 8 -
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