    关键词  黄芩  黄芩苷  提取工艺  超声提取
    Title  Study on experiment of ultrasonic extracting baicalin from Scutellaria beaicalensis geori                 
    Baicalin is one of the main ingredients with activity in Scutellaria baicalin georgi.How to improve the obtaining ratio and content of Baicalin in extracting process is always a problem inpractical prodauction.The effective components of baicalin from Scutellaria baicalin geori and their extraction technology was studied in this dissertation.The baicalin rate extracted by three methods(The method of boiling,the alcohol extraction and the ultrasonic extraction) was compared.The results showed that the baicalin recovery rates in the ultrasonic extraction were highest among the three methods.The ultrasonic extractiona method was a new method of extractiong the active constituents in the Traditional Chinese Medicines,which was of high extracting efficiency,simple and time-saving.
    The optimum conditions of ultrasonic extraction was obtained by experiment.Effects of experimental conditions on the extraction rate baicalin were discussed in detail.The optimum condition were as followed: ultrasonic extration time 30min,ultrasonic extration power 250w and ultrasonic extration temperature 80℃.Under the optimum conditions ,the average extraction rate of baicalin 8.40%.Compared with the boiling,the alcohol extraction,the extraction rate and content of baicalin prepared by ultrasonic extraction was obviously increased.
    Keywords  scsutellaria baicalensis georgi  baicalin   extraction technology   ultrasonic extration
    1  引言    1
    1.1  概况    1
    1.2  黄芩苷的理化性质    2
    1.3  超声波的机理    3
    1.3.1  热作用    3
    1.3.2  非热作用    3
    1.3.3  超声波作用设备    3
    1.3.4   影响超声波提取效率的因素    4
    1.4  其它几种方法提取黄芩苷概述    5
    1.4.1  醇碱提取法    5
    1.4.2  水煎煮提取法    5
    1.4.3  微波提取法    5
    1.4.4  超滤法一次提取黄芩苷的工艺研究    6
    1.5   超声波在中药提取中的应用    6
    1.6   提取黄芩苷和黄芩素的基本流程    7
    1.7   本论文研究的内容与意义    7
    2   实验部分    9
    2.1黄芩苷提取方法选择    9
    2.2原材料选取    9
    2.3 得率的计算公式    9
    2.4   超声波提取法    9
    2.4.1   实验试剂与仪器    9
    2.4.2  实验步骤    10
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