    Aluminum ash polishing technology research
    Abstract:polishing,also known as glaring or neutral,that is to remove residual after alkali corrosion on the surface of the aluminum formed by various metal compound particles,still can make the surface clean and shiny, and a passivation layer material, in the subsequent washing, will not have corrosion or other defects.
    The research is aimed to study aluminum alloy  polishing in black on the surface of the material under different formulation, and use the visual observation to observe, thesurface color of the aluminum alloy , and then to explore the success formula, adjusting the composition of formula, to achieve the effect of removing the black substance on the surface.
    Get the following results:
    the best formula for Aluminum polishing liquid is: select the content of nitric acid as the 250 ml/L, the sulfuric acid content is 250 ml/L, choose ammonium hydrogen fluoride,then the allowance is water.
    Key words: aluminum alloy, containing fluorine ash, nitric acid
    1.前言    1
    1.1 铝合金除灰工艺的概况及内容    1
    1.2 铝合金除灰工艺研究的内容、目的(目标)    2
    1.3 铝合金除灰工艺的主要技术要求    2
    1.3.1 机械抛光    2
    1.3.2 化学抛光    2
    1.3.3 电化学抛光    3
    1.3.4 硝酸除灰    3
    1.3.5 含氟化物除灰    3
    1.3.6 硫酸除灰    4
    1.3.7 铬酸除灰    4
    1.4 铝合金除灰工艺在国内外的过去及发展趋势    4
    2. 铝合金除灰工艺技术原理    6
    2.1 铝合金除灰原理    6
    2.2 除灰液各个成分的组成及其原理    7
    2.2.1氟化氢铵    7
    2.2.2氢氟酸    8
    2.2.3硝酸    8
    2.2.4硫酸    8
    2.2.5氟化钠    8
    3. 工艺实验研究方法及步骤    9
    3.1 工艺实验方法    9
    3.2 工艺流程    9
    3.2.1碱蚀    9
    3.2.2 配制除灰液    10
    3.2.3 除灰    10
    3.3工艺性能测定的方法    10
    3.4主要仪器、试剂、材料等    11
    3.4.1实验仪器和设备    11
    3.4.2实验的材料    11
    3.4.3 实验的试剂    11
    4. 工艺研究的结果分析和讨论    12
    4.1 浓硝酸与氢氟酸的各组分对除灰液的影响    12
    4.1.1 浓HNO3含量的改变对铝合金表面的影响    12
    4.1.2 48%HF含量的改变对铝合金表面的影响    12
    4.2 氟化氢铵含量的改变对铝合金表面的影响    13
    4.3 氢氟酸含量的改变对铝合金表面的影响    14
    4.4 加入硫酸后氟化氢铵含量的改变对铝合金表面的影响    15
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