    摘要聚氯乙烯(Poly Vinyl Chloride,简称 PVC)是一种热塑性合成树脂,有优良的电绝缘性,难以自燃,具有良好的可塑性。主要用于生产透明薄膜、塑料管件、各类板材等。在其他领域也有着非常广泛的应用。35590
    毕业论文关键词: 聚氯乙烯;悬浮聚合;工艺计算
     Design illustration
    PVC (Poly real Vinyl Chloride, PVC) is a kind of thermoplastic resin, has excellent electrical insulation, it is difficult to spontaneous combustion, has good plasticity.Mainly for the production of transparent film, plastic pipe fittings, all kinds of plates, etc.Also has a very wide application in other areas.
    According to the design specification, the design for the design of the annual output of 400000 tons of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) process.On the basis, reference related literature review, the design of the production technology of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) science, design the appropriate formula and the related material balance and energy balance, on the workshop, workshop layout, consider the "three wastes" treatment.
    This design for the annual output of 400000 tons of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) workshop process design, the design adopts suspension polymerization process, the reaction mechanism is: monomer for polymerization methods of small droplets suspended in the water.First adding deionized water within the polymerizer, dispersant aqueous solution under stirring added and other polymer additives, and then add the initiator, the above manhole cover closed, then check whether leakage pressure, filling the nitrogen, in turn, the vacuum, add VCM;In phase reaction kettle temperature rise to predetermined temperature for polymerization and join the termination of the agent.After the reaction, need recovery not reaction monomer.The influencing factors of polymerization and product quality are mainly temperature, pressure, ingredients, mixing forms, etc.
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