
    According to the calculation and can shift production continuously, arrange three shifts a day, 8 hours per shift production strength, design can reach 1100 tons annual output of 400000 tons of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production workshop.The plant's location according to the characters of natural geography, transportation, water and power supply conditions, construction conditions and workers housing conditions such as optimization of principle.Rectangular workshop to make plant general layout, economical use of land, convenient equipment arrangement, there are more metope provide for the use of natural lighting and ventilation design.This design also fully consider the staff's working environment and work safety, as far as possible to the workshop planning for safe, green.In the process of production, in the case of staff observe workshop operation procedures, required production personnel strictly comply with operation procedures, and often take part in the safety knowledge training, information, work more safety and efficiency.In terms of environmental protection, discharge of waste water and noise has carried on the strict requirements.
    According to the design plan descriptions of the task, I successfully completed the PVC polymerization process of process design.Throughout the design process of polyvinyl chloride production process, and its applications have a more comprehensive understanding, it is engaged in the related work to lay the foundation for the future.
    Chun-hua xu, an associate professor in the whole design process is put forward many valuable guidance, can make the design more efficient completion, express our heartfelt thanks here.Given the limited knowledge and practical experience, the design is lack, please read the teacher comment.
    KeyWords: Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC);Suspension polymerization;Process calculation 
    目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    聚氯乙烯简介    1
    1.2    聚氯乙烯制品的开发与主要用途    1
    1.3    聚氯乙烯的产能、产量分析    2
    1.3.1    中国PVC产量    2
    1.3.2    全球PVC产量    3
    1.4    聚氯乙烯工业发展趋势    4
    2    聚氯乙烯工艺设计    6
    2.1    聚氯乙烯生产工艺方法    6
    2.1.1    聚氯乙烯原料来源概述    6
    2.1.2    聚氯乙烯典型聚合工艺概述    7
    2.2    聚氯乙烯聚合工艺的确定    8
    2.3    配方的选择    8
    2.4    原料物化性质、技术规格和用途    9
    2.4.1    氯乙烯的性质    9
    2.4.2    几种重要助剂的性质介绍    10
    2.4.3    去离子水的技术规格    13
    2.5    设备的选择    14
    2.6    影响聚合及产品质量的因素    14
    2.6.1    温度的影响    14
    2.6.2    压力的影响    15
    2.6.3    配料的影响    15
    2.6.4    搅拌的影响    16
    2.6.5    氧对聚合的影响    17
    2.6.6    杂质的影响    17
    3    工艺计算    19
    3.1    物料衡算    19
    3.1.1    物料衡算的方法与步骤    19
    3.1.2    计算依据    19
    3.1.3    氯乙烯合成工段的物料衡算    20
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