    摘要: 对二甲苯(Para-xylene)是重要石油化工业产品,其主要用于生产对苯二甲酸。本设计主要介绍了对二甲苯的工业现状国内外生产对二甲苯的相关工艺以及发展趋势,然后采用原料来源广泛、操作简单的苯-甲醇烷基化结合甲苯-甲醇烷基化制取对二甲苯。本设计重点综述了苯-甲醇反应工段制备工艺流程及反应器的选择,并且对催化剂进行了选择,同时对其他设备进行了设计及选型。再而通过Aspen Plus化工过程模拟软件,对工艺生产过程进行了模拟研究,进行了物料衡算及热量衡算的模拟及计算,从而确定整个流程的最佳操作参数,优化了生产过程,最终提高了最终产物的收率,降低了能耗,使其更具实际生产可行性。35697
    毕业论文关键词:苯-甲醇烷基化;对二甲苯;甲苯-甲醇烷基化;Aspen Plus;设计
     Design of benzene and production process of 300000 tons of p-xylene methanol reaction section
    Abstract: P-xylene (Para-xylene) is an important product of petroleum chemical industry, mainly for the production of terephthalic acid. This design mainly introduces the industrial status of p-xylene, at home and abroad on the p-xylene production process as well as the development trend, then the wide raw material sources, simple operation of benzene methanol alkyl of toluene alkylation with methanol for preparing paraxylene combined. The design focuses on the summary of the benzene methanol reaction section of preparation process and reactor, and choice of catalysts, and the design and selection of other devices. And again by the Aspen plus chemical process simulation software, is applied to simulate the process of the production process, simulation and calculation of the material balance and heat balance calculation, to determine the optimum operating parameters for the process, optimizing the production process, and ultimately improve the yield of the final product, reduce energy consumption, to make it more practical feasibility.
    Keywords: benzene methanol alkylation; p-xylene; toluene alkylation with methanol; Aspen Plus;design
    1 绪论    1
      1.1前言    1
      1.2国外对二甲苯工业现状    1
      1.3国内对二甲苯工业现状    3
      1.4对二甲苯生产工艺简介    4
    2 总体工艺设计方案    6
      2.1设计任务    6
      2.2工艺流程简述    6
        2.2.1苯-甲醇反应工段介绍    7
        2.2.2催化剂简介    8
    3 流程的模拟优化    10
      3.1 Aspen Plus简介    10
      3.2 Aspen Plus的功能和特点    10
      3.3物性方法的选择    12
      3.4产品结果    12
    4 工艺设计计算    14
      4.1物料衡算    14
        4.1.1物料衡算理论    14
        4.1.2苯甲醇反应工段烷基化反应器物料衡算    14
        4.1.3苯甲醇反应工段析倾器物料衡算    15
    4.1.4苯甲醇反应工段T1101物料衡算    16
      4.2能量衡算    17
        4.2.1能量衡算理论    17
        4.2.2苯甲醇反应工段烷基化反应器能量衡算    17
        4.2.3 苯甲醇反应工段T1101能量衡算    18
      4.3主要设备的工艺计算    18
        4.3.1 苯甲醇烷基化反应器设计    18 
        4.3.2泵设备设计    28
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