    设计总说明 醇醚己基磺基琥珀酸双酯钠是第二次世界大战后出现的一类新型的阴离子表面活性剂,它能与多种表面活性剂配合使用,产生良好的协同效应,广泛应用于洗涤、化妆品等日化行业及石油开采、烯烃单体乳液聚合,金属清洗、纺织印染、感光材料等工业领域。近几年来,随着消费者对洗涤剂的性能要求日趋强烈,特别是其洗涤性能已受到广泛关注,因而在日用化学品方面的应用显示出广阔的前景,对这类表面活性剂进行深入而广泛的研究是极有必要的。 现有三种成熟的合成醇醚己基磺基琥珀酸双酯钠的工艺方法,分别为采用控制酯化率和非外加相转移催化剂在常压进行反应法,采用马来酸酐经单酯化,O-烷基化,选择性磺化反应法以及采用非外加相转移催化剂在敞开体系中进行反应的方法。经过反复比较能耗,经济,设备等方面因素,本设计最终采用非外加相转移催化剂在敞开体系中进行反应的方法合成醇醚己基磺基琥珀酸双酯钠, 并以此工艺路线为基准开发并转化为实际工业生产过程。 采用市场中现有方便易得的工艺生产所需原料,确定物料的来源,价格和规格,确定每种原料,中间产物以及最终成品的物理性质。经过对醇醚己基磺基琥珀酸双酯钠工艺研究,确定最佳工艺条件:AEO-3、马来酸酐以摩尔比例1.00:1.10,于110℃下单酯化反应2.0h,得到产率为99%的单酯化产物; 单酯化产物、正己醇以摩尔比例1: 3.00,于160℃下双酯化反应2.5h,得到产率为95%的双酯化产物;双酯化产物、亚硫酸氢钠以摩尔比例1:1.05,于150℃下磺化反应2.5h,得到产率为99%的产物。开发一个新的工业生产工艺过程来合成醇醚己基磺基琥珀酸双酯钠。根据工艺流程进行物料和能量衡算。进而根据物料衡算以及能量衡算,选择并确定生产过程使用的设备型号。 根据国家对化工企业生产的一系列要求,如: 生产过程危险品和有害因素分类与代码(GB/T13816-1992), 常用危险化学的分类标准(GB13690-1992), 压力容器中化学介质典型危害和爆炸危险程度分类(HGJ43-1991), 工厂防火规定(GBJ16-1987),污水综合排放规定(GBJ8978), 工艺系统设备布置设计规定(HG20570), 化工装置管道布置设计规定(HG/T20549),开发并设计适用于实际生产的工艺流程和设备布置图。 36111
    毕业论文关键词: 表面活性剂;醇醚己基磺基琥珀酸双酯钠;工业生产
    Design specification Sodium hexyl alkyl polyoxyethene(3) ether sulfosuccinate  is a new type of anion table surfactant after World War II,  which could be used with many kinds of surfactants in conjunction,  then generate good synergy  and  widely used in detergent,  cosmetics and  other daily chemical industry and petroleum exploitation,  olefin monomer polymerization,  metal cleaning, textile dyeing, photosensitive materials, and other industrial fields. The determination of the optimum choice and optimization of the production process, material balance and energy balance of the ethylene oxide, esterification, sulfonation, the selection and design the main equipment oxidation reactor, the esterification of vertical reactor, sulfonation reactor had all be made. In the recent years, with the large demand of detergent among consumers, especially the quality of the detergent, it is very necessary to study sodium dodecanol polyoxyethylene ether succinate sulfonate deeply. In the initial design,  there are three process of synthesis method to surface sodium hexyl alkyl polyoxyethene(3) ether sulfosuccinate.There are esterification rate and the non-use of controlled phase transfer catalyst at atmospheric pressure plus the reaction,maleic anhydride by monoesterfication,O-alkylation and selective sulfonation, carrying out in unclosed system and without any extra phase transfer catalyst after repeated comparison and validation,sodium hexyl alkyl polyoxyethene(3) ether sulfosuccinate is synthesized using a new simple method carried out in unclosed system and without any extra phase transfer catalyst. According to the craft route benchmark development and translated into actual industrial production process. Searching in the market now, I adopte to process the raw material for production, to determine the price of material sources, and specifications. Determine each physical property data of raw materials and finished products. And in sodium hexyl alkyl polyoxyethene(3) ether sulfosuccinate process research is used to determine the optimum process parameters: esterification at 110℃  for 2.5h with a 1.10:1.00molar ratio between maleic anhydride and alkyl polyoxyethene (3)and the yield of monoester can be 99%;diesterfcation at 160℃for 2.0h with 1.00:3.00 molar ratio between maleic anhydride and hexanol and the yield can be 95%; sulfonation at a heating medium temperature of 150℃for 2.5h with a 1.00:1.05molar ratio between maleic anhydride and  sodium hydrosulfite.To develop a sodium hexyl alkyl polyoxyethene(3) ether sulfosuccinate new acetate used in industrial production process. And the material and energy balance. And then according to the energy balance equipment used to determine the production process models. According to the state of a series,  of chemical enterprise production,for example: Production process dangerous material and harmful factor classification and code(GB/T13 816-1992),  Commonly used dangerous chemistry classified standard(GB13690-1992),  Inpre- ssure vessel chemistry medium model harm and explosion hazard degree  classifi- cation(HGJ43-1991),  Factory fire protection  stipulation  (GBJ16-1987),  the sewage synthesisdischarges the stipulation (GBJ8978),  Craft system arrangement of equipment design stipulation (HG20570), Chemical installment piping arrangement design  stipulation  (HG/T20 549). Development and design is suitable for the actual production process flow and equipment layout.
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