
    Design standard: Material calculation process and corresponding calculation of condensation, salt, alkali, ethanol recovery and detailed calculation can avoid incomplete reaction. That can prevent cause economic waste and convenient material procurement and other issues. By heat balance calculation, the selection of equipment can determine the corresponding material required volume in the reaction process and avoid insufficient volume or volume is too large. That can appropriate selection in the using process of the instrument may play a protective safety effect. Production process for the recovery of a variety of materials is essential. In order to achieve the purpose of green environmental protection. New economy of wastes generated in the production of appropriate treatment.It avoid the pollution of the environment in line with the route of sustainable development. Plant layout note reasonable arrangement of space and avoid the staggered not clear between the reaction kettle and pipeline, ventilation and safety facilities to congruent.
    Design principle: First, it ensure the safety of production. it prevent the occurrence of various accidents. Secondly, the high economic efficiency and the full use of raw materials and the space structure of the workshop are not wasted. And how to deal with all kinds of wastes produced by the production.It avoid the pollution of the environment and construct a green chemical production environment. The site selection is an important part of the industrial infrastructure.It is a policy highly technical work. The site selection work is good or bad for plant construction progress, investment and material consumption, economic efficiency, environmental protection and social benefits.It will have a major impact. From a macro perspective, it is a basic link to achieve national long-term planning decided to productivity. From the micro perspective site selection is a prerequisite for the project feasibility study and engineering design. So the choice of the site to a comprehensive consideration of various factors.
    Main technical data: By all kinds of documents and access more to determine the main synthetic routes Shanghai Wuzhou pharmaceutical factory production method for reference.It could combined with related patents of other synthetic route and reaction mechanism make the design. For the production of the material required by the price of purity and other comparison chose the more appropriate manufacturers. The main reference of the equipment selection is "Chemical Engineering Design Handbook", "chemical engineer technical book", etc.
    Keywords: Ethambutol   Ethambutol hydrochloride   Anti tuberculosis drugs    Tuberculosis
    目 录
    1.    绪论…..….…...1
    2.    文献综述..….….......2
    2.1 乙胺丁醇.....2
    2.1.1 乙胺丁醇介绍......2
    2.1.2 乙胺丁醇物性数据......2
    2.2 乙胺丁醇合成路线....….....3
    3.    设计方案论证..6
    3.1 原料路线选择.....6
    3.2 生产方案的可行....….6
    3.3 生产规模确定.....7
    4.    产品方案..8
    4.1 产品名称与性质....….8
    4.2 性状及理化性质....….8
    4.3 产品的质量规格....….8
    4.4 产品生产制度.....8
    5.    主要工艺流程及岗位操作…..9
    6.    物料衡算…....12
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