        本次的毕业设计的是一个处理流量为5万 的污水处理厂,其污水处理工艺选择AAO工艺。A2/O工艺亦称A-A-O工艺,是英文Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic第一个字母的简称(生物脱氮除磷)。按照实质意义来说,本工艺称为厌氧-缺氧-好氧法生物脱氮除磷工艺的简称。A2/O工艺由于不同的环境条件,不同功能的微生物群落的有机配合,加之厌氧、缺氧的条件下,部分的不可生物降解的有机物能被开环或断链,使得N、P、有机碳被同时去除,并提高对不可降解有机物的去除效果。
    为了保护生活环境,防止水环境污染、海洋污染,设计的出水引入稀释能力较小的河湖和作为一般回用水用途,设计的污水处理厂出水水质执行城市污水排放一级A标准:BOD5≤20mg/L,COD≤60 mg/L,SS≤20mg/L,氨氮≤15mg/L,磷酸盐(以P计)≤0.5mg/L。
    毕业论文关键字:城市污水   A2/O工艺   工艺流程   国家出水标准
    A city daily processing 50000 m3AAO Wastewater Treatment Design Design General Information
    General information As we all know, environmental protection is one of China's basic national policy, and to protect the water environment is the focus of current environmental protection. Water, as an irreplaceable resource for human need, is an important pillar of social 
    sustainable development. In a sense, the quality of water is more important than quantity. Because only meet certain water quality standards fishes social sense. Therefore, the city sewage treatment has become one of the urgent need to address the issue, but also we need to pay attention and be one of the issues studied.
    he design is a city of a sewage treatment plant, the process flow of 50,000, by using AAO wastewater treatment process on sewage treatment. A2 / O process known as AAO process, is the English Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic first letter abbreviation (BNR). In accordance with the substance of sense, this process is called anaerobic - anoxic - aerobic biological nutrient removal process for short. A2 / O process the organic with different environmental conditions, different functions of microbial communities, coupled with anaerobic, anoxic conditions, the non-biological degradation of organic matter that can be part of an open-loop or scission, making N, P, organic At the same time the carbon is removed, and to improve the non-biodegradable organics removal.
    The process design consists of a grid, grease traps, sumps, pumping stations, grit chamber, primary sedimentation tank, A2 / O reaction tank, secondary sedimentation tank, return sludge pumping station, sludge thickener, storage mud pool, the sludge dewatering, ultraviolet disinfection tank and other components.
    To protect the environment, prevent water pollution, marine pollution, the introduction of the design of water dilution capacity of smaller lakes and reuse water for general purposes, the design of sewage treatment plant effluent quality implementation of city sewage discharge an A standard: BOD5≤20mg / L, COD≤60 mg / L, SS≤20mg / L, ammonia ≤15mg / L, phosphate (as P) ≤0.5mg / L.
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