
    To get the subject, for a large number of literature retrieval, and therefore in the aluminum copper company limited for a period of two weeks of production practice, the understanding and more in-depth understanding of the subject content of the graduation design scheme has preliminary ideas. In Cupronickel electronic crystal shell, household decorations, tableware, medical devices, is widely used in construction and other fields. According to the design requirements of the task book, the use of copper and copper alloy processing handbook 《Copper and copper alloy processing manual》and《Metal pressure processing technology》metal pressure processing technology as the main reference book for smelting products system, the design and calculation of equipment capacity strength parameters of rolling system and force the check to complete the The process requirements, meet the requirements of the products delivery. Finally based on the use of product solutions and products and properties of products made of copper grades for BZn15-20 raw materials, the size is 13 x 430 x 6600mm, size 1.5 x 400 x 3000mm, delivery status for the soft state; and the number is B19, the dimension of the material is 13 x 430 x 6600mm, size is 1 x 205mm (G=1.21t)
    BZn15-20 copper was the main component of 63% copper, 14% of nickel, 0.5% of iron, 0.2% of impurities, and the margin of zinc.
    B19 copper was the main component of 80% copper, 18% of nickel, 0.03% of lead, 0.3% of impurities, and the margin of zinc.
    This Bzn15-20, B19 copper throughout the design process, the general:
    1.The ratio of raw materials and smelting, 1 ingot smelting furnace. By the heating of the copper water after heat insulation furnace insulation and analysis after adjustment into the level of continuous casting machine were cast, cast ingot.
    2. Take cold rolling intermediate annealing, belt rolling method, namely after the rolling of copper billet into cold rolling machine, the pressure of the system to reach a point set after coiling, intermediate annealing to improve the plastic properties of the copper billet with bell type annealing furnace. After the end of the cold rolling, the copper billet thickness can reach product size requirements. 1.5mm and 1.0mm.
    3 shear straightening, product quality testing. Confirm the product to meet the design requirements, you can pack storage, waiting for delivery.
    The whole design of product technical requirements can be summed up in one sentence: the size of the precise shape, the surface is smooth and high performance.
    In the selection of the design used in the equipment, the main reference in aluminum copper limited production of the equipment, the main production equipment and auxiliary equipment: two tons core induction furnace, two tons of wire rod type semi continuous casting machine, sawing machine, reversible hot rolling machine, coiling machine, double face milling, four roller cold rolling mill, twelve roll mill, bell type annealing furnace, transverse shear, thick vertical shear.
    The calculation of rolling force and other forces can be carried out by using VB language. The advantages and applications of the computer in the actual production, the advantages and applications of the computer in the actual production, and the calculation of the main economic indicators of the workshop, ensure the whole design can be used in the actual production.
    This design mainly expounds the production technology requirements of B15-20 and B19, and according to the existing production equipment and assembly line design of the product process, and the product production process, the production system, power parameters calculation, equipment strength check, motor check, auxiliary equipment capacity calculation and workshop main economic index calculation, and CAD drawing production workshop layout plan, roll, rolling mill roll force and bending torque diagram.
    Key words:Copper; product design; process system; production equipment 
    1 绪论    7
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