
    This design used by the Copper-tin bronze, dark yellow green, is the smallest non-ferrous alloys cast shrinkage rate, used to produce complex shapes, sharp, airtightness requirements of casting bronze in air, sea water, fresh water and steam are extremely resistant to corrosion, is widely used in steam boilers and ship parts. Phosphorus bronze has good mechanical properties, can be used for high-precision machine tools, wear parts and flexible parts. Leaded tin bronze used as wear parts and bearings. Zinc-tin bronze for high gas-tight cast. Bronze most widely applied in electrical, electronics, the largest amount, accounting for more than half of total consumption. For a variety of cables and wires, motors and transformers of the switch in as well as printed circuit board manufacturing machinery and transport vehicles, used in the manufacture of industrial valves and fittings, instrumentation, bearing, tooling, heat exchangers, and pumps.
    In field research of premise Xia, using copper and copper alloy processing manual and metal pressure processing process learn for main of reference books to on Tin bronze Board with of products standard, and process, and process procedures, and equipment strength, and motor capacity, and equipment load capacity, and workshop main technology economic index of prepared, and design and calculation, on upgrade the class products of application and development has actual meaning.
    According to design specification requirements, combined with performance and use of the products, product, the final product of the materials for QSn6.5-0.1, raw material size for 15x430x66000mm, finished size is 0.8x400x2500mm, delivery status is semi hard.
    The main composition of QSn6.5-0.1 is Sn 6.0%~7.0%,Zn 0.3%,P 0.1%~0.25%,Ni 0.2%,foreign substance≤0.1%,the others is Cu。
    After you decide on a product that is used, calculate the product of smelting process. The design of new materials: calculation of old material =90:10 for raw materials. Cu's burn rate is 1%. Calculate the volume of new and old material for 4.509t and 0.501t.
    Formulation of deformation system: 1, first end milling surface 2.5mm, 12.5mm~0.8mm under pressure. 2 determine the number of rolling process. 3 to determine the number of cold-rolling road. 4, determine each pass are determined.
    Speed system determines: according to roll diameter of rolling velocity and friction coefficients to calculate the neutral angle and forward slip values, rolling velocity; cut the head and tail, according to workpiece length and velocity, calculate pure delay time, gap time between takes 4~6s.
    Determination of tension system: calculate the total processing rate obtained σ s calculated tension after tension before each pass and; 3 under tension after tension calculated tensile stress. Annealing furnace with Bell-type annealing furnace.
    Calculation of force parameters: it includes calculation of rolling force and rolling torque calculation of the total torque and transmission.
    Calculation of rolling force: adopted Li Kefu to calculate the pressure through VB programming procedures, the results.
    Rolling torque calculation: general use of rolling force calculation and calculated using the energy consumption curve. Programmed by VB program, concluded.
    Equipment check the strength of the main 2/4-high cold rolling mill rolls and the checking of motor ability.
    Assessment there are yield and main economic indicators of output per hour. Finished trimming the losses of head and tail 19.4%, process 2% for, burning 1%. Finally finished 77.6%. Belongs to the qualified finished products.
    Occupied by the production floor and workshop, the workshop is closely related to the issues of investment funds, it is equally important.
    Last is the introduction of the bronze category, including: bronze, beryllium bronze, aluminium bronze, and an introduction to the use of bronze.
    Key words: phosphor bronze; product design; process system; force energy parameter
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