    设计说明:2,5-二氢呋喃是重要的有机溶剂,它是制备医药中间体2,3-二氢呋喃(广泛应用于电子化学品、液晶显示液,也用于生产抗癌药依托度酸、替加氟等)的关键原料,二者为同分异构体;由欧洲药物化学杂志发表论文《Synthesis of novel 2, 5-dihydrofuran derivatives and evaluation of their anticancer activity》 探究了2,5-二氢呋喃及其 衍生物的抗癌活性。目前市场上的2,5-二氢呋喃价格太高,本案利用廉价的C4原料探究一条新型的合成路线,以期能够使2,5-二氢呋喃的更为广泛。此外生产过程产生的其他产品也非常具有市场价值。
    关键词:    丁二烯; 2,5-二氢呋喃
    With an annual output of forty thousand tons 2,5- two hydrogen furan project design
    Abstract:     2, 5- two hydrogen furan is an important organic solvent, it is the preparation of medical intermediate 2, 3- two hydrogen furan (widely used in electronic chemicals, liquid crystal display liquid, is also used in the production of anticancer drug etodolac, tegafur and other key raw materials), as the two isomers by the European Medicines; Biochemical Journal published "Synthesis of novel 2, 5-dihydrofuran derivatives and evaluation of their anticancer activity" on 2,5- two hydrogen furan and its derivatives in anticancer activity. The market of 2,5- two hydrogen furan prices too high at present, the cheap C4 raw materials to explore a novel synthesis route, in order to make the 2,5- two hydrogen furan is more widely. Other products in the production process produces very good market value.Butene is mainly used in the manufacture of butadiene, secondly for the manufacture of methyl ketone, ethyl ketone, sec-butyl alcohol, epoxy butane and butene polymer and copolymer. Isobutylene is mainly used in the manufacture of butyl rubber, butadiene rubber and plastics.The production of synthetic route and process route is advanced with the use of the design, has opened up a new way to change China's 2,5- two hydrogen furan the above situation, is of great significance to the application of 2,5- in China two hydrogen furan and its downstream products.
    Keywords:    butadiene; 2, 5- two hydrogen furan
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    项目总论    1
    1.1    项目概览    1
    1.2    设计依据    1
    1.3    设计原则    1
    1.4    设计产品及原料方    1
    1.5    项目建设意义    2
    2    总图运输    3
    2.1    设计依据    3
    2.2    设计范围    3
    2.3    厂址选择    3
    2.3.1    齐鲁化工园区概况    4
    2.4    总平面布置    6
    2.4.1    总平面布置的要求    7
    2.4.2    厂区总体布局概述    8
    2.4.3    厂区面积计算    9
    2.4.4    总平面布置各项技术指标    10
    2.4.5    工艺装置的布置    10
    2.5    场内运输设计    11
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