    毕业论文关键词: 紫外分光光度法;文生素C葡糖苷;文生素C乙基醚;化妆品
    Study on the stability of Vitamin C derivatives in cosmetics
    Abstract:. In this paper, the UV absorption spectra of 0.1g/L ascorbyl glucoside and 0.1g/L vitamin C ethyl ether were determined by UV spectrophotometry. The standard solution of 0.001g/L, 0.002g/L, 0.003g/L, 0.004g/L, 0.005g/L, 0.006g/L, 0.008g/L, 0.010g/L ascorbyl glucoside and vitamin C ethyl ether were separately formulated. The standard curve was drawn by UV spectrophotometry. Then the 0.01g/L ascorbyl glucoside and 0.01g/L vitamin C ethyl ether were placed in high temperature (45 degrees Celsius), low temperature (-15 degrees C), room temperature, under the light of 7 days to test its UV absorption spectrum, observe its stability. Found that ascorbyl glucoside and vitamin C glucoside ethyl ether in the light and heat conditions absorbance did not change, and in low temperature for 7 days, both absorbance value reduce 21.85% and 34.12% respectively, which indicates that the stability of them under the condition of low temperature. The ascorbyl glucoside and vitamin C ethyl ether were used in the mask formula and the sample, and the stability was tested. Found that after a year and a half after the loss of ascorbyl glucoside 18.8% in the mask, are relatively stable. The vitamin C ethyl ether in the sample after a year after the basic no change, very stable. In order to summarize the stability of ascorbyl glucoside and vitamin C ethyl ether and other vitamin C derivatives in cosmetics.
    Key Words: Ultraviolet spectrophotometric;ascorbyl glucoside;Vitamin C ethyl ether;Cosmetics

    1 前言    1
    1.1 化妆品的定义    1
    1.2 化妆品的分类及质量特性    2
    1.3 化妆品原料的稳定性及其影响因素    3
    1.4 化妆品科学新进展    4
    1.5 文生素的定义    5
    1.6 化妆品中文生素的种类及应用    5
    1.7 文生素C在化妆品中存在的问题    6
    1.8 文生素C衍生物在化妆品中的研究进展    6
    1.9 文生素C衍生物研究的目的及意义    7
    2 实验原理和实验方法    9
    2.1 使用的材料试剂、仪器设备    9
    2.1.1 原料和试剂    9
    2.1.2 溶液的制备    9
    2.1.3 仪器    9
    2.2 实验原理    9
    2.3 实验方法    10
    3 实验内容    12
    3.1 AA-2G稳定性研究    12
    3.1.1 AA-2G紫外吸收光谱的测定    12
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