    摘要:随着人类科技发展,当今世界对物质的需求促进了材料的发展,无论是高精尖的太空船还是普通人手里的保温杯,对玻璃的要求不再是简单的装饰品和盛物的器皿,还要有对光学性能,对机械性能,热学性能,等一系列的物理性能更多的要求。而硼硅酸盐玻璃具有非常优异的性能,如良好的热稳定性,化学稳定性,机械性能,可加工性等,同时,其生产工艺日益成熟,具有高效低耗和安全等优点。本文对年产 3000 万只耐热耐压瓶的工艺进行了设计,先确定了玻璃瓶的生产工艺过程:原料先进行预加工,将块状原料(石英砂、纯碱、石灰石、长石等)粉碎,使潮湿原料干燥,将含铁原料进行除铁处理,以保证玻璃质量;然后进行配合料制备;接下去熔制过程, 玻璃配合料在池窑或池炉内进行高温加热,使之形成均匀、无气泡,并符合成型要求的液态玻璃;采用机械制瓶机进行制瓶、最后通过退火、淬火等热处理工艺,消除或产生玻璃内部的应力、分相或晶化,以及改变玻璃的结构状态等手段。根据玻璃瓶的化学成分对原料的配比进行了计算,原料组成为硅砂 26.32%、砂岩 25.72%、白云石 7.21%、菱镁石 2.74%、纯碱10.51%、芒硝 3.86%、萤石 3.21%、煤粉0.17%、硼酸8.01%、碎玻璃12.23%。然后对生产班制进行了确定,计算了工厂各原料的用量,通过物料衡算,为下一步的设备选型打下了基础。对工艺的要设备混合机、玻璃窑炉、制瓶机、供料机、破碎机等进行了选型。然后进行了工厂总平面的布置,计算了堆场面积、储库面积等,最后对产品设计成本进行了初步计算。各个工序根据设计要求进行了严格的论证和计算,最后根据画出相应的厂区平面布局图及厂区工艺流程图图纸。 41186
    The Process Design of 30 Million Heat Resistant and Pressure Resistant Glass Bottles Abstract: With the development of human science and technology, in today's world of material demand promotes the material development, whether ordinary people or sophisticated spacecraft from the hands of the insulation  cup, the requirements of glass is no longer simple decorations and the storage vessel, but also on the optical properties and on the mechanical, thermal properties and so on, a series of physical performance more requirements. And boron silicate glass has excellent performance, such as good thermal stability, chemical stability, mechanical properties, processing, at the same time, the production technology is mature, with high efficiency and low energy consumption and safe, etc. This project is designed to process only heat pressure bottle with an annual output of 30 million, to determine the production process of glass raw materials: pre-processing, bulk raw materials (quartz sand, soda ash, limestone) grinding, wet material drying, iron containing raw materials for iron removal treatment, to ensure that the glass quality; then batch preparation; then melting process, the glass batch is heated to a high temperature in the furnace or furnace, so as to form a uniform, no bubble, and meet the requirements of molding liquid glass bottle making machine for bottle; the mechanical, finally through annealing, quenching and heat treatment process, eliminate or the glass produced internal stress and phase separation or crystallization, and change the structure of glass state and other means. According to the chemical composition of the glass bottle of raw material proportioning were calculated, the raw material composition for 26.32% of silica sand, sandstone 25.72%, dolomite 7.21%, magnesite stone 2.74%, soda ash 10.51%, Glauber's salt 3.86%, fluorite 3.21%, coal 0.17%, 8.01% borate, broken glass 12.23%. Then the production of the class system was determined, the calculation of the amount of raw materials used in the factory, through the material balance, for the next step of equipment selection and lay the foundation. The technology of equipment mixing machine, glass kiln, machine, feeding machine, crusher were chosen. Then, the general layout of the plant is carried out, and the yard area and  the storage area are calculated. Finally, the cost of the product design is calculated. Each process according to the design requirements of the strict demonstration and calculation, and finally according to draw the corresponding plant layout plan and plant process flow chart drawing.
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