    根据研究分析表明,当直接采用化学沉淀方法时,由于废液里所含有的未氧化的次磷酸盐以及络合剂能够极大地影响了亚磷酸盐、正磷酸盐的沉淀 ,结果导致总磷不完全去除,去除的效率仅仅只有30%。
    In nickel plating sewage, the total phosphorus is one of the main pollutants; there are many methods to remove. According to the mechanism of its operation, generally they can be broadly pided into two removal methods, which is chemical deposition dephosphorization and biological dephosphorization respectively.
    The cost of using the biological dephosphorization method is low while the effect is unstable, and part of the traditional methods does not have the ability of biological dephosphorization. Although the effect of chemical deposition dephosphorization method is stable, enterprises have relatively heavy burden on high operation cost and large quantity of sludge.
    In many adverse conditions, in view of this, in order to achieve the purpose of the control of phosphorus dephosphorization effect, this paper puts forward using low cost of reagents, at the same time we do some research on various related factors, we study the mainly related factors on the concentration ratio of reactants, reaction time, the best of pH value of precipitation to strive to make the best of phosphorus dephosphorization methods. Practical and effective to resolve the discharge wastewater phosphorus levels in the chemical plating nickel production problems.
    This article chose the chemical nickel plating liquid waste and comprehensive wastewater secondary settling tank wastewater to do the research. First of all, we take with chemical nickel plating liquid waste as an object, we research the denickel ability of heavy metal capturing agent (N, N- dimethyl dithiocarbamate sodium). The results showed that the chelating ability of nickel ions of N, N- dimethyl dithiocarbamate sodium (also known as Fuk US sodium) is greater than all the complexing agent in the chemical plating solution, which can completely chelate nickel ions precipitate from the original complex. After a sufficient proportion of the sodium treatment, nickel ion concentration can be reduced from the original 4 -5 g/L to under 0.1 parts per million. And the resulting chelating sediment particles are great, which has high nickel content and the very high collection value.
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