


    The preparation and application of fruit flavor for cocktail

    Abstract: Variety of fruit cocktail, the pursuit of elegant life style, enjoys the ultimate taste of cocktail. The main task of this project incorporating the preparation of fruit flavor(grape-rose flavor、apple-rose flavor) and the appropriate flavoring in cocktail. Through access to a large number of domestic and foreign data, the selection of flavorant, the perfumery of fruit flavor and the repeated application experiments in cocktail flavoring etc, a kind of versatility fruit cocktail which is nutritious, delicious and healthy should be successfully made. Due to the functional components in rose oil, the cocktail flavor can also maintain beauty and keep young. The two flavor have characteristic sweet note in rose, fruity, green, acid and floral note in grape, and fruity, green and oil note in apple respectively. The flavor that is of great value in market and application can not only be applied in cocktail, but can use in dairy and beverage 

    Key Word: mixfruit flavor; cocktail; grape; apple; rose


    1 前言 1

    1.1 鸡尾酒市场的现状及发展趋势 1

    1.2香精在鸡尾酒中的应用 2

    1.3所配制的加香香精的香型 2

    1.4本课题研究的目的和意义 3

    2 实验原理和内容 4

    2.1 实验原理 4

    2.2 实验方法 6

    2.2.1 调香方法与要求 7

    2.2.2 水溶性香精的制备 8

    2.2.3 香精加香实验方法 8

    2.3 实验原料、仪器 8

    2.3.1 实验原料 8

    2.3.2  实验仪器设备 9

    2.4  实验内容 10

    3 实验结果与讨论 11

    3.1常用香原料的综合描述 11

    3.2 香精配方设计 17

    3.2.1 葡萄香精的配方设计 17

    3.2.2 苹果香精的配方设计 21

    3.3  玫瑰精油水洗实验 25

    3.4鸡尾酒式杂果香精的复配 26

    3.4.1 葡萄香精与天然玫瑰香精的复配实验 26

    3.4.2苹果香精与天然玫瑰香精的复配实验 27

    3.5 鸡尾酒式杂果香精在预调鸡尾酒中的应用

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