



     Preparation of oxygen from the Laboratory

    Abstract During the building of a learning society, the micro-lecture is paid more attention to by schools, families and society.The use of micro-lectures is becoming more popular. Chemistry is a subject based on experiments. Students get an intuitive feel by the Chemistry experiment in laboratory. Preparation of oxygen from the Laboratory is very complex, which is very important knowledge point . Meawhile it is very important knowledge for students who learn chemistry for a short time . But for various reasons, such as the school was unable to provide experimental equipment for students to feel the entire experimental procedure in the true environment. Another condition is that it is difficult for student to master the experimental process, they need to study second time. Teachers and students has a great demand for the micro-lecture of Preparation of oxygen from the Laboratory.but in the form of micro-lecture explaining the chemical experiments not only can solve the above-mentioned problems in a certain extent,but also can extend students’learning space .What’s more,they can promote their ability of independent learning. The micro-lecture is mainly designed for a very important chemistry experiment ,which is “Preparation of oxygen from the Laboratory”.

    The micro-lecture is made by several softwares,they are 3DMAX 、Flash 、Premiere and so on. Fistly,students can grasp the names and the fuctions of the experimental apparatus .Secondly,student can get an intuitive feel about the experimental procedure and experience the step of material’s generating and changes in the process.Thirdly, student can learn the matters needed attention and the reaction principle.

    Key Words: Chemistry;  Preparation of oxygen;  micro-lecture;  design

    目  录




    一、绪论- 1









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