
    摘要: 本次设计首先对比值控制的目的、意义及重要性做了详细的了解,然后分析了流量比值控制系统的设计方案并引入matlab/simulink软件实现控制系统仿真调试,最后利用智能仪表对水箱的液位- 进水流量进行比值控制, 并在THJ-2型过程控制系统装置上完成系统的设计、分析、投运等。在设计中利用衰减曲线法和反应曲线法分别整定主、从动量支路控制器的参数。43772


    毕业论文关键词: 比值控制;Matlab/simulink软件;主、副流量

    Design of ratio control system in chemical process

    Abstract: the design of first of ratio control of the purpose, significance and importance do detailed understanding, then analysis the flow ratio control system design and the introduction of MATLAB / Simulink software to realize the control system simulation debugging. Finally, the intelligent instrument of water tank of liquid - water flow ratio control, and control system in the THJ-2 process to complete the system design, analysis and operation etc.. In the design, the parameters of the main and the control of the momentum branch are respectively determined by the attenuation curve method and the response curve method.

       According to the system design issued the task book, of flow ratio control system put forward three kinds of design schemes, respectively are open loop ratio control, ratio of single loop control, double closed loop ratio control, according to the requirements of the design of the three schemes are demonstrated, the final choice of the most appropriate control scheme -- double closed loop ratio control, system design mainly analyzes the double closed loop ratio control in flow ratio control system application and importance. After the actual system debugging results show that, the system can not only realize the value according to different settings and the relationship between the ratio of control and so that primary and secondary flow have a strong anti - interference ability, has certain practical value.

    Key words: ratio control; Matlab/simulink software; main and secondary flow

    目    录

    1 绪论 1

      1.1 引言 1

      1.2 比值控制的目的及意义 1

        1.2.1 比值控制的目的 1

        1.1.2 比值控制的意义 1

      1.3 比值控制系统在国内外研究现状与水平 1

      1.4 发展趋势 2

    2 软、硬件介绍 4

      2.1 Matlab/simulink软件简介 4

      2.2THJ-2型高级过程控制系统装置 4

        2.2.1THJ-2型高级过程控制系统装置的特点 4

        2.2.2THJ-2型高级过程控制系统装置的安全保护系统  4

        2.2.3 被控对象 5

        2.2.4 检测装置

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