
    摘  要利用自制发酵装置模拟污泥堆肥过程,研究在污泥堆体中添加酵素剂、促腐剂、恶臭假单胞菌、食苯芽孢杆菌、自培菌与空白情况下,污泥好氧发酵过程中壬基酚类物质降解情况。同时测量不同时间段污泥中的含水率、pH和有机质的变化情况。结果表明,各堆体的发酵温度、含水率基本符合控制要求;各堆体的pH随发酵时间先增大后趋于稳定;各堆体的有机质随发酵时间逐渐减小;各堆体内的壬基酚类物质均有一定的降解效果,其中添加恶臭假单胞菌的堆体内壬基酚类物质的降解率最高。69306


    毕业论文关键词:污泥 壬基酚类物质  好氧发酵 生物降解 外源菌剂  

    The study on the change of nonylphenlic substances during the aerobic fermentation process of sludge

    Abstract Sludge fermentation was conducted using selfmade fermentation device to simulate the sludge composting process. The degradation of the nonylphenlic substances in sludge was studied by adding enzyme agents, accelerating agents, pseudomonas putida, fresh benzene bacillus, self cultivating bacteria or blank. In the meantime, the moisture content, organic materials content and pH of sludge were determined. The results showed that the fermentation temperature and moisture content of each reactor were basically in line with the control requirements; the pH of each reactor was increased with the fermentation time; the organic matter of the sludge was decreased with the fermentation time; the nonylphenlic substances in sludge were degraded and the degrading efficiency is the best one when pseudomonas putida was added into sludge.

    Key Words: Sludge  Nonylphenlice substances  Aerobic fermentation Biodegradable  Exogenous bacteria agent  

    目 录


    Abstract II




    1 绪论 1

    2实验部分 2

    2.1实验试剂 2

    2.2实验仪器 2

    2.3实验污泥 2

    2.4实验方法 2

    2.5分析方法 2

    3结果与讨论 5

    3.1发酵过程中含水率变化 5

    3.2发酵过程中温度控制 5

    3.3发酵过程中有机质含量变化 6

    3.4发酵过程中pH变化 7

    3.5发酵过程中壬基酚类物质含量变化 7

    4结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图3-1 NP标准曲线 7

    图3-2 NP1EO标准曲线 8

    图3-3 恶臭假单胞菌组发酵过程中壬基酚类物质变化 8

    图3-4 食苯芽孢杆菌组发酵过程中壬基酚类物质变化 9

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