


    Study on Preparation and Adsorption Capability of Activated Carbon from Reeds

    Abstract: Activated carbon (AC) has good adsorption performance for most pollutants, and the accessible and renewable bomass resources are excellent materials for the preparation of activated carbon. In the present study, activated carbon was prepared from reeds using 40% H3PO4 as activator. The characteristics of activated carbon were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), specific surface area and pore size analyzer, FTIR spectrometerand point of zero charge titration methods. Then the activated carbon was used to adsorb the methylene blue in the wastewater, and the adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics were explored. Moreover, the impacts of  dosage, adsorption time, initial solution concentration, pH and temperature on the adsorption of activated carbon were also determined. The results showed that, activated carbon contained hydroxyl group, carboxyl group, exter group, phenolic group, alcohol group and other functional groups. When using AC adsorbing the methylene blue, the optimal dosage, adsorption equilibrium time, pH and temperature were 0.1g/L, 3h, 7.0 and 30℃, respectively. The activated carbon adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second order model and the adsorption rate was controlled by external diffusion, particle diffusion and surface adsorption processes. The adsorption isotherm correlated well with Langmuir adsorption mode, which suggested that activated carbon adsorption belonged to single molecule layer adsorption mode.

    Keywords: Activated carbon; Methylene blue; External characterization; Influencing factors; Adsorption mechanism


    1.引言 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究目的 2

    2.实验内容 2

    2.1芦苇活性炭的制备 2

    2.1.1活性炭的制备工艺 2

    2.1.2活性炭得率计算 3

    2.2芦苇活性炭的表征测定 3

    2.2.1表面超微结构观察 3

    2.2.2比表面积和孔径、孔容测定 4

    2.2.3红外光谱分析 4

    2.2.4表面酸性含氧官能团含量测定 4

    2.3活性炭吸附亚甲基蓝试验研究 5

    2.3.1投加量的影响 6

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