
    摘 要本实验以徐州国祯水务运营公司的脱水污泥为研究对象,向污泥中添加外源菌剂(食苯芽孢杆菌和恶臭假单胞菌),在不同温度下进行好氧发酵。采用改良的BCR连续提取法,对污泥中的重金属进行提取。采用原子吸收和原子荧光测定了污泥中Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr、Ni、As、Pb、Hg各形态的含量。探讨发酵过程中重金属的形态分布变化情况。实验结果表明:好氧发酵能降低除Zn、Cd以外其他6种金属不稳定形态的比例,好氧发酵采用不同的外源菌剂和不同的发酵温度都导致重金属的形态变化不同。69302


    毕业论文关键词:城市污泥  好氧发酵  改良BCR连续提取法  形态分析

    Study on Speciation of Heavy Metals in the Aerobic Fermentation Process


    The dewatered sludge from Xuzhou Guozhen water operation company was used. Aerobic fermentation experiment was conducted by adding exogenous microbial agents at different temperatures. This experiment used the method of improved BCR sequential extraction to extract the heavy metals of sludge. The contents in different speciations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni ,As, Pb and Hg in sludge were measured using atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic fluorescence spectroscopy. The study investigated the changes of the speciation of heavy metals in the fermentation process. The experimental results show that aerobic fermentation can reduce the proportion of unstable speciation for 6 kinds of metals except Zn and Cd. Aerobic fermentation, under the conditions of different exogenous microbial agents and different fermentation temperatures, can lead to different speciation changes of heavy metals.

    Key words: municipal sludge  aerobic fermentation  improved BCR sequential extraction  speciation analysis


    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1前言 1

    2实验部分 2

    2.1试剂与材料 2

    2.2仪器设备 2

    2.3实验步骤 2

    3结果与讨论 4

    3.1 Cu的形态分析 4

    3.2 Zn的形态分析 5

    3.3 Cd的形态分析 7

    3.4 Cr的形态分析 8

    3.5 Ni的形态分析 9

    3.6 As的形态分析 10

    3.7 Pb的形态分析 11

    3.8 Hg的形态分析 12

    4结论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图3-1 在20 ℃下发酵过程中Cu形态分布变化


    图3-2 在30 ℃下发酵过程中Cu形态分布变化


    图3-3 在20 ℃下发酵过程中Zn形态分布变化


    图3-4 在30 ℃下发酵过程中Zn形态分布变化


    图3-5 在20 ℃下发酵过程中Cd形态分布变化

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