


    Synthesis and electrochemical property of LiFeBO3/C as Cathode material for lithium-Ion batteries


    Nowadays, LiFeBO3 is becoming a research focus all over the world as one of the most promising cathode materials of lithium-Ion batteries. This paper, aiming at improving the electrochemical property of LiFeBO3 material, tries to figure out the finest preparation condition via analyzing effects to structure of material, morphology and electrochemical property caused by different calcination temperatures and calcination times. LiFeBO3 material was synthesized by nano ball mill, spray drying,and high temperature calcination.Experiments demonstrate that different temperature and time have significant effects on the materials preparation. XRD and SEM show that the optimum calcination temperature is 500℃ and optimum calcination time is 7.5-hours. And LiFeBO3/C has uniform particle size, good crystallization and optimal electrochemical performance under such condition.Electrochemical property test results suggest that the initial specific dischargecapacity is 169mAhg-1 at 0.1C, at 0.1C between 1.5 V and 4.5 V, and it can deliver a discharge capacity of 154 mAhg-1 after 40 cycles.The excellent electrochemical performance may be attributed to the decrease of charge transfer resistance and the increase of the diffusion coefficient of lithium-ion.

    Key Words: lithium-Ion batteries; cathode materials; LiFeBO3; calcination; electrochemical performance

     目  录

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1 锂离子电池发展现状 1

    1.2 锂离子电池的主要结构 1

    1.3 锂离子电池的工作原理 2

    1.4 锂离子电池的优势 2

    1.5 锂离子电池正极材料 3

    1.5.1 层状正极材料 3

    1.5.2 聚阴离子正极材料 4

    1.5.3 尖晶石结构正极材料 4

    1.6 LiFeBO3 5

    1.6.1 LiFeBO3的晶体结构 5

    1.6.2 LiFeBO3材料的常见制备方法 5

    1.6.3 LiFeBO3材料存在的问题 6

    1.6.4 LiFeBO3材料的改性方法 6

    1.7 课题主要内容 7

    1.7.1 研究的意义 7

    1.7.2 课题研究内容 8

    2. 实验及表征 10

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