

    毕业论文关键词: 平阴玫瑰精油;GC-MS;GC-O;

    Analysis and Research of Pingyin Rose Essential Oil

    Abstract: Pingyin rose essential oil is the main object of study in this paper, in order to get the chemical constituents of essential oil of Pingyin rose by qualitative and quantitative analysis and characteristic aroma components of Pingyin rose essential oil and Kushui rose essential oil, experiments using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry(GC-MS) technique combined with gas chromatography olfactometry(GC-O) technique. The chromatography conditions are as follows: carrier gas is nitrogen, the velocity is 0.5ml/min, temperature programming: the initial temperature is 80 degrees and keep 5 min, and then the temperature of 2 /min to 220 degrees and keep 20min. Through this method, we find ten main chemical compounds of Pingyin rose comprising alcohols(5),  phenolic(2), esters (1), and aldehyde(1), and the contents of citronellol, geraniol and methyl eugenol are the most. It is known that alcohol compounds are the main chemical components of Pingyin rose essential oil. In addition, by GC-O, we know the greatest contribution to the scent of roses and the main chemical components is heptanal, heptanol, citronellal, and methyl eugenol.

    Key words: Pingyin rose essential oil;GC-MS;GC-O;

     目   录

    1 前言 1

    1.1 玫瑰的介绍 1

    1.1.1 玫瑰的种类及其介绍 1

    1.1.2 平阴玫瑰 1

    1.1.3 玫瑰的价值 1 文化价值 2 观赏价值 2 药用价值 2

    1.2 玫瑰精油的提取方法 3

    1.2.1 玫瑰精油的概论 3

    1.2.2 蒸馏法 3

    1.2.3 分子蒸馏技术 3

    1.2.4 超临界CO2技术 3

    1.2.5 亚临界CO2技术 3

    1.3 玫瑰精油的分析研究技术 4

    1.3.1 有机分析的概论 4

    1.3.2 气相色谱 4

    1.3.3 质谱 4

    1.3.4 气相色谱-嗅闻法 5

    1.4 玫瑰精油的成分 5

    1.5 玫瑰精油的相关法规 6

    1.6 课题研究的目的和意义 6

    2 实验内容 8

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