
    摘要: 本课题主要研究了烟草提取物的制备。研究过程中主要学习了超临界二氧化碳萃取设备的萃取原理,并尝试优化实验过程和实验条件。拟找到在保证萃取产量的前提下得到更多萃取物的实验条件,并且能够注意二氧化碳气体的使用,减少萃取材料的浪费。在预实验的探索后,为了节省实验材料,正式试验设计了一组四因素三水平的正交实验,以获取最适实验条件。萃取结束后对产物进行了GC-MS分析和正交实验分析。分析得出实验条件设置为:萃取釜温度45℃,萃取釜压力300bar,总流速7.8g/min,夹带剂占总流速比例10%,萃取时间1.5h,是可以达到较好的萃取结果且能够节省二氧化碳资源的参数设置。进行等水平试验验证了以上结论。43828

    毕业论文关键词: 烟草提取物;二氧化碳;超临界萃取;烟碱

    Study of the Preparation of tobacco extraction

    Abstract: This paper studies the preparation of tobacco extract. We can learn the main principle of extraction by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction equipment in the process and try to optimize the experimental process and conditions. We try to find the experimental conditions under the prerequisite of ensuring the extraction yield more extracts,while paying attention to the use of carbon dioxide gas to reduce extraction of material waste. After the preliminary experiment, we design a set of orthogonal experiments with four factors and three levels to save material.From the result of orthogonal experiments,we can get the optimal experimental conditions. Analysis of orthogonal experiments and GC-MS experiments show that the optimal conditions should be set as: extraction temperature 45℃; extraction reactor pressure 300 bar; the total velocity 7.8g/min; the entrainer total velocity ratio 10%; time 1.5h. These are the conditions can achieve better extraction results and can cut down on carbon dioxide sources parameter. The experimental condusions are validated by parallel experiments.

    Keywords: Tobacco Extraction; Carbon Dioxide ; Supercritical Fluid Extraction; Nicotine 


    1 前言 1

    1.1 烟草及其提取物的用途价值 1

    1.2 烟草产品中的化学成分 1

    1.2.1 化学成分与烟香的关系 1

    1.2.2 烟草产品刺激性与化学成分的关系 2

    1.2.3 生理强度与烟叶化学成分的关系 2

    1.3 烟草提取物制备技术研究 2

    1.3.1 水蒸气蒸馏法 2

    1.3.2 溶剂浸提法 3

    1.3.3 同时蒸馏萃取法 3

    1.3.4 固相微萃取 3

    1.3.5 超声波辅助提取 4

    1.3.6 超高压提取技术 4

    1.3.7 分子蒸馏技术 4

    1.3.8 酶技术 4

    1.3.9 超临界二氧化碳萃取技术 5

    1.4 本课题采用方法和理论依据 5

    1.5 本实验目的及意义 6

    2 实验材料与方法 7

    2.1 实验拟使用的原料试剂和实验设备 7

    2.1.1 实验拟使用的原料试剂 7

    2.1.2 实验拟使用的实验设备

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