

    Abstract This paper was prepared in inorganic nanoporous crystal and to characterize the performance of research objectives, by hydrothermal synthesis method with chlorine

    Nickel, water, hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid, ethylene diamine, europium chloride synthesized inorganic nanoporous crystals and prepared different Eu3+ Doped than crystalline inorganic nanopores by XRD, TEM sample of the resulting phase and morphology were studied characterization. TEM results showed that when the reaction temperature is 180 ℃, reaction time of 24 hours, the resulting crystals of inorganic nanoporous functional material is tapered, nanoporous inorganic functional materials arranged in irregular crystals, better dispersion of grains, grain size the length and sizes. XRD indicates that when the reaction temperature is 180 ℃, reaction time was 24 hours and the doping ratio of 0 and 5% of the time, resulting Ni3 (PO4)2 nanoporous material structure and X-ray diffraction pattern completely consistent, but when the doping ratio 10% of the time, resulting Ni3 (PO4) 2 nanoporous material structure and X-ray diffraction patterns do not match, indicating that when the doping ratio of 10% of the cases undermined the Ni3(PO4) 2nanoporous materials structure. Since the nickel itself absorbs light, which should lead to red-emitting europium ion, now just a little purple hair.


     Keyword: Inorganic nano-porous material;Hydrothermal synthesis;Eu3+ doped ratio

    目    录

    引言 5

    1.实验 6

    2.1材料的制备 6

    2.1.1试剂 6

    2.1.2制备 6

    2.2仪器 7

    3.结果与讨论 8

    3.1 X-射线粉末衍射 8

    3.2形貌分析 10

    3.3发光性能 15

    结论 18

    参考文献 18

    致谢 19




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