

    Abstact Surface treatment of waste water from the in a mechanical processing plants, water quality testing, found that the content of phosphorus and iron in the waste water was too high, has not reached the area of wastewater discharge standards, decided to conduct experiments in the laboratory, the phosphorus removing agent and in addition to iron, in addition to iron are respectively TMT and DTC through a variety of conditions, different concentrations of remover removal experiments found that TMT is more excellent than DTC, and the removal of iron removal and pH values were 8 and 8.5, the design and construction of Engineering on the basis of this, the final result of phosphorus and iron in pH were 8.1 and 8.6 reached the highest, was 88.3% and 96.9%, fully meet the design requirements and the emission standard. In recent years, the industrial wastewater discharge seriously exceeded, resulting in the deterioration of water pollution, and waste water treatment has been paid more and more attention, sewage treatment project of wastewater treatment plant is the only way, this is where the significance of this design.

    毕业论文关键词:表面处理; 废水治理; 工程设计

    Keyword: Surface treatment;Wastewater treatment;Engineering design


    1 引言 1

    1.1 表面处理废水治理的背景 1

    1.2 表面处理废水的危害与治理意义 1

    2 表面处理废水工程设计要求 2

    2.1 表面废水处理规模和处理要求确定 2

    2.2 进水水质情况 2

    3 除铁与除磷实验小试 2

    3.1 实验原理 2

    3.1.1 测定废水中磷的实验原理 2

    3.1.2 测定废水中铁的实验原理 2

    3.2 材料与设备 3

    3.2.1 实验材料与试剂 3

    3.2.2 实验设备 3

    3.3 实验设计 4

    3.3.1 除磷实验 4

    3.3.2 测磷实验 4


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