    该厂的污水流量是 ,下面对于工艺流程作简要介绍:污水从格栅处进入污水提升泵房,再通过细格栅进行进一步处理,进入隔油池,流入旋流沉沙池,洗砂水回流,进行化学投药除磷,到达SBR池进行主要处理,最后经过加氯消毒到达清水池,过程中的污泥先存放在储泥池,然后通过污泥泵站到达污泥脱水一体机,脱水后污泥外运,而污泥出水回流反复运用,
    SBR technology of a sewage treatment process design for a paper company
    general specifications for design:The graduate design, taking water inflow, processing requirements, project investment, Operation and management cost, etc into account, select an appropriate treatment program through comparing and analyzing the various aspects.According to the relevant information and requirements,finish the integral design of the sewage treatment plant and the structures of the drawing
    Design principles:To ensure the effusive quality to satisfy the standard, saving construction costs and choosing a appropriate technology is necessary, which is advanced of low operating cost. On the equipment selection, it Pay attention to calling simply operation, easy management and convenience for equipment maintain to Make sure that a long-term stable operation. It needs a reasonable layout with compact structure and less land coverage. Make full use of existing pipelines, and use new materials and new technology to optimize the layout.
    This design includes that  one design specification,    five drawings.Among these regulations are the sewage factory floor plan,main processing structure diagram,process flow diagram.
    Through the data query and compare,finally deciding to use the SBR process,the topic is SBR technology of a sewage treatment process design for a paper company.SBR process is also known as sequencing batch activated sludge process.It is  is a kind of operation is simple, cover an area of an area small, moderate cost comparison of activated sludge method.The most important part is SBR pool design and application,which is the key to the process.
    The design flow rate of plant is 60,000 cubic kilometer /day.The flowing is the brief introduction of the process flow.Wastewater start the treatment from grille place into the sewage pump room,Sewage water pass the fine screen for further processing,enter the separation tank,flow into the vortex of setting,and the Sand washing water flow back for using again,adding Chemical enhancements and removing phosphorus ,the wastwater arrive in SBR pool for the primary progress,Finally through chlorine disinfection,wastewater reaches the clear water reserviors.The sludge of the progress Stored in a sludge pool,and then arrive at sludge dewatering machine through the sludge pump.Sludge outward transport after dehydration,the progress water flow back for using again.
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