




    毕业论文关键词:正己醇 正己醛  脱氢 工艺计算

    An annual output of 50000 tons of N-hexyl alcohol dehydrogenation of n-hexanal process design

    Abstract:Hexanal synthetic spices intermediates, is also an important raw material in food industry and pharmaceutical industry, it can be used for preparation of apple and tomato flavor, but also can be used as a plasticizer, rubber, resins, synthetic organic pesticides and so on, with more high economic value

     In this design, n-hexyl alcohol by dehydrogenation of n-hexyl aldehyde prepared. Hexanol as raw materials for preparing n-hexanal in catalysis supported Cu2O / MgO catalyst. Industrial production methods used in the first calcium is already prepared by the reaction with formic acid, the process is relatively backward, serious corrosion of equipment, high production costs. And n-hexyl alcohol vapor phase dehydrogenation method has mild reaction conditions, a single raw material, high reactivity and selectivity, simple equipment and many other advantages, a new technology in many countries in recent years competing development.The following process is materials counting, heat counting, equipment selection and calculation. Finally, the flow of production technics is protract including main equipments diagram, materials diagram, a flat disposal picture of the workshop, the solid disposal picture of the workshop. 

    This design aimed at Hexanal requiring us to design a reasonable process and choose the corresponding process equipments based on the study of professional basic course. It aimed at improving the ability of solving practical problems about the chemical products production workshop design and grasp the relevant design piocess in dehydrogenation, calculation of material constant, calculation of heat balance,equipment selection and calculation . Through this course design, we can also improve the ability of using the design drawing of the computer. 

    Basis of calculation: annual production of 50000 tons; days to 300 days in,45 days for machine maintenance, 15 days mobile.

    Keywords:   Hexanal ; Hexanol; dehydrogenation; process calculation


    1 总论 1

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    1.3 正己醛

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