



    The sewage treatment engineering design of an industrial park with 6000 tons a day

    Abstract:The topic of this graduate design covers the industrial park sewage treatment engineering , treat with 60000 tons water a day .According to requirements of the raw water quality analysis and the quality of the output water,output water should reach the secondary emission standard, compared with three sewage treatment processes . Taking the measure of anaerobic tank + carrousel oxidation ditch process by comparison. The process of the technique is that remove the suspended solids in sewage through the grille ,the sewage flow into the sand pool by the pumproom and lose the nitrogen and phosphorus further by the oxidation ditch ,at last, the sewage enters the two settling tank, which is discharged after purification.

    Keywords: oxidation ditch process, biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal, industrial wastewater


    1绪论 2

    1.1设计依据及原则 2

    1.1.1设计依据 2

    1.1.2设计原则 2

    1.2设计原始资料 2

    1.3工业废水的特点 2

    2工艺流程的选择确定 3

    2.1污水处理的国内外现状 3

    2.2工艺流程的选择 3

    2.2.1A2/0工艺 4

    2.2.2前置厌氧的氧化沟工艺 4

    2.2.3CASS工艺 4

    2.3各方案的比较 5

    2.3.1方案技术比较 5

    2.3.2经济比较 5

    2.4工艺确定 5

    2.5单元构筑物的选型 6

    2.5.1沉砂池 6

    2.5.2二次沉淀池 6

    2.6污水消毒 7

    2.7污泥处理工艺 8

    2.8污水处理工艺 8

    3构筑物设计计算 9

    3.1 格栅 9

    3.1.1设计参数 9

    3.1.2设计计算 9

    3.2提升泵房 12

    3.2.1水泵选择 12

    3.2.2集水池 13

    3.3平流式沉砂池 13

    3.3.1设计参数 13

    3.3.2设计计算 13

    3.4厌氧池 16

    3.4.1设计参数 16

    3.4.2设计计算 16

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