
    Nevertheless, these researches mainly focused on the production and the final accuracy or scores of the given tasks, but a little attention to the process of pair work. Yet, the higher scores (compared to the scores in inpidual work) of the given tasks don’t mean each student in pair work actually get new knowledge from the pair work. In other words, it is not rigorous to simply deduce that pair work can benefit each student from higher scores. Besides, the learners in these researches are not carefully paired, which may also influence the final result. Moreover, the participators of the most current studies are not Chinese students. Although many surveys showed that most learners have positive attitude towards pair work (or group work), the research conducted by Mishra and Oliver (1998) showed that very few of the learners in South-East Asia don’t like pair work or group work. Therefore, whether students in Chinese middle schools can actually learn something new from pair work is not yet clear. 

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