
    摘要: 本次工艺设计主要基于聚氯乙烯材料的性能,在此基础上选择最合适的加工方法和生产工艺,根据年产量和原料选择合适的生产设备,对年产500吨聚氯乙烯色母料生产车间进行了设计。本次设计中主要包含了生产工艺流程的确定、生产设备的选择、物料能量的衡算等内容。本次设计主要通过干法工艺路线来生产聚氯乙烯色母料,以挤出造粒的方法得到所需的色母粒。根据年产量计算得到每日产量,各物料组分每年需求量及个工序的损耗量。本文也着重对生产车间的规划分配、以及生产时的安全与环保要求做了详细介绍。本次设计的原则是在合理使用资源的情况下,生产出符合要求的产品。52813

    毕业论文关键词: 聚氯乙烯;色母料;生产车间;工艺设计

    Abstract    Based on the characteristics of Polyvinylchlorid (PVC), the most appropriate processing method and production technology was selected. Based on the annual output and raw materials, the suitable machine equipment was selected. Based on the two parts above, an annual output of 500 tons of PVC color masterbatch production workshop was designed. This thesis includes the process flow, the selection of equipment,and the materials balance. This design mainly by dry process route to produce PVC masterbatches, gets the desired color masterbatch by extrusion granulation method. According to the annual yield,calculate the daily output, the material components of the annual demand and the amount of the loss of a process. Besides those, we also emphasized on the design of the workshop to ensure production safety and eco-friendly. The design principle in this thesis is: making rational use of resources to make the product meeting the requirements.

    Keywords: Polyvinylchlorid; color masterbatch; Productions Workshop; Process Design


    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 色母料的由来 1

    1.2 色母料的种类 2

    1.3 聚氯乙烯材料简介 3

    1.3.1 聚氯乙烯理化性能 3

    1.3.2 聚氯乙烯发展史 4

    1.3.3 聚氯乙烯合成方法 5

    1.3.4 聚氯乙烯材料的主要用途 6

    1.4 色母料的发展趋势 8

    1.5 选题的目的和意义 9

    1.5.1 选题的目的 9

    1.5.2 选题的意义 10

    1.6 课题设计内容和目标 10

    1.6.1 设计内容 10

    1.6.2 设计目标 11

    2 工艺设计 12

    2.1 设计原则 12

    2.2 设计依据

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