


    Abstract: Research has proved that, after the excessive phosphorus into the water, water gets received serious pollution, one of the most prominent is the eutrophication of water bodies. With the rapid development of modern chemical industry, phosphorus chemical industry of China is rapidly developing, the use of many phosphorus items make plants thrive in water, dissolved oxygen content is reduced, fish and shrimp anoxic death, leading to the serious environmental pollution. Thus preventing phosphorus chemical pollution, the progress of the research on phosphorus removal technology is getting more and more attention of people. This article mainly discusses the various principles and characteristics of phosphorus removal phosphorus wastewater, the present situation, and the trend of future development. Mainly includes the biological method, chemical method, adsorption method, crystallization. 

    Keywords: eutrophication of water bodies, biological phosphorus removal, chemical phosphorus removal, adsorption phosphorus removal, crystallization phosphorus removal.

    1 前言 4

    2 生物法除磷 4

    2.1生物法除磷原理 4

    2.3生物法除磷研究现状 5

    3 化学法除磷 5

    3. 1 铁盐除磷机理 6

    3. 2 铝盐除磷机理 6

    3. 3 石灰除磷机理 7

    3. 4 新型除磷混凝剂 7

    3.4.1 聚合硫酸铁(PFS) 7

    3.4.2 聚硅酸铝铁(PSAF) 8

    3.4.3 聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC) 8

    4 吸附法除磷 8

    4.1吸附法除磷原理 8

    4.2吸附法除磷的研究现状 8

    5 结晶法除磷 9

    5.1结晶法除磷原理 9

    5.2结晶法除磷的特点 9

    结 论 10

    致 谢 14

    1 前言


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