    关键词:浮头式换热器,结构,强度, 设计计算
    The Design of Xylene Cooler
    Abstract:This article describes the design of the overall structure of xylene cooler. There is only one tube sheet in a floating head type heat exchanger. Both ends of the tube are fixed on the same tube sheet. The tube can be freely retractable, no thermal stress and has good thermal compensation. The tube process flow is relatively long, it has relatively high flow rate and better heat transfer performance, and can take strong pressure. Bundle can be withdrawn from the housing in order to maintenance and cleaning easily. Its structure is simple, and the cost is cheap. The main structure of the floating head heat exchanger including tube box, cylinder, head, heat transfer tubes, tools, baffled,anti drawing board and draft tube, the structure of the short-circuit proof, supports and other accessories.
    The design temperature and design pressure are little high so that the demand need to be higher. It is used the choice of material, structural design, strength design and selection of parts in the design of the xylene cooler.
    Keyword:Floating head type heat exchanger, Design calculating, Structural design, Strength design  
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 换热器的分类    1
    1.2.1 间壁式换热器    1
    1.2.2 管壳式换热器    1
    1.3 换热器的基本结构及其工作原理    2
    1.4 课题研究的意义    2
    1.5 换热器在工业中的应用    3
    1.6 国内外近年来的研究进展与主要成果    4
    1.7 本文研究的内容    5
    2 对二甲苯冷却器的设计计算    7
    2.1 设计任务和条件    7
    2.2 换热器的设计步骤    7
    2.2.1 确定设计方案    7
    2.2.2 换热器物料与热量衡算    7
    2.2.3 校核计算    12
    2.2.4 阻力计算    13
    2.3 热力计算小结    16
    3 对二甲苯冷却器的结构设计    17
    3.1 细部结构计算    17
    3.1.1 筒体    17
    3.1.2 管箱    17
    3.1.3 水压试验计算    19
    3.1.4 接管    21
    3.1.5 防冲挡板    24
    3.1.6 换热管及其排列方式    24
    3.1.7 管箱分程隔板    25
    3.1.8 折流板    26
    3.1.9 拉杆    26
    3.1.10 固定管板    26
    3.1.11 浮动管板    27
    3.1.12 钩圈    27
    3.1.13 换热管与管板连接    28
    3.1.14 法兰    28
    3.1.15 垫片    29
    3.1.16 支座    29
    4 控制系统设计    33
    4.1.1 控制系统的概述    33
    4.1.2 控制系统的设计    33
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