
    摘要为满足超细干粉灭火剂在飞机消防系统中的应用,本文对高压释放条件下超细干粉灭火剂管内流动压力损失特性进行了研究。本文通过压力传感器测量管路中压力的数值变化,从而分析超细干粉灭火剂在管内流动压力损失的特性。经研究发现超细干粉灭火剂气固两相流体在管内的压力损失特性多与单相流体的规律特性相似。在高压释放条件下,超细干粉灭火剂在直管管路中运动,当管内径和灭火剂质量一定时,ΔP 与L可视为正比关系,随着管路长度越长,压力损失越大。随着管径的增加,管路阻力造成的压力损失值减少。超细干粉灭火剂沿管路竖直上升过程中,随着管路高度的增加,管内压力损失增加,但由于重力作用的影响,在相同管长条件下高程比水平沿程所造成的压力损失大。通过研究,本文得出在高压释放条件下,不同管路特征对超细干粉灭火剂输送过程中的压力损失的影响。这对设计一个合理、高效、经济的飞机消防系统灭火剂输送管路具有重大科学意义。60465

    毕业论文关键词 高压 超细干粉 管内流动 压力损失


    Title  Study on Flow Pressure Loss Characteristics Under High Releasing Pressure of Ultra-fine  Powder Fire Extinguishing Agent    Abstract

    In this paper, pipe flow pressure loss of ultra-fine dry powder extinguishing agent under high-pressure release condition were studied, in order to apply the ultra-fine powder extinguishing agent to aircraft fire protection system. We analyze the features of pipe flow pressure loss of ultra-fine powder extinguishing agent through the measurement of the pressure change in pressure sensor. Results showed that: The law of the solid-liquid two-phase flow pressure loss of ultra-fine dry powder extinguishing agent is similar to the single-phase flow’s. When ultra-fine powder fire extinguishing agent moves in a straight pipe under a high pressure release condition,  pressure loss ΔP and pipe length L is proportional, for given tube diameter and quantity of extinguishing agent, and the longer the pipe length, the greater the pressure loss; when the pipe diameter becomes large, the growth rate of the pressure loss caused by pipe resistance slows down; if ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing agent moves up along the vertical pipeline, the pipe pressure loss increases with height. However, under the influence of gravity, the loss is greater vertically than moves in horizontally in same length of pipe. This paper concludes the influence of pipe flow pressure loss in transportation of ultra-fine dry powder extinguishing agent under different types of pipe shapes. It is essential for the design of a reasonable, efficient and economical aircraft fire extinguishing agent transportation system.

    Keywords  High-pressure  Ultra-fine powder  Pressure loss   Pipe flow

    目  次

    1 前言 1

    1.1 研究的目的及意义 2

    1.1.1 研究的目的 2

    1.1.2 科学意义 2

    1.2国内外发展状况及存在问题 3

    1.2.1 国内外对气固两相在管路内流动特性的研究 3

    1.2.2 发展趋势 4

    1.2.3 国内外工程应用 4

    1.2.4 存在问题 5

    1.2.5 解决的问题 5

    2 高压条件下超细干粉管内流动压力损失实验平台设计 6


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