


    毕业论文关键词  酚醛 量热分析 热重分析 热物性


    Title  thermal analysis of phenolic resin in nitrogen


    Thermosetting materials with good phenolic resin is not only a kind of fire characteristics. phenolic resin low thermal conductivity, good fireproof performance, easy construction, is the future direction of further development of external insulation materials. It is very worthy of study direction, at least in the property nature of the problem basically has no defect. phenolic resin not only low thermal conductivity, good thermal insulation properties, also has good thermal stability, flame retardant, low smoke, light, low toxicity, high mechanical strength, heat resistance, sound insulation, corrosion resistant ability, good corrosion resistance and other advantages. DSC,TGA results of phenolic resin comprehensive analysis, to obtain the basic characteristics of thermal properties. In the study of Material Flammability multi-scale should first thermal analysis method with small scale to obtain characteristic parameters of phenolic during pyrolysis, the subject is in a nitrogen environment for the experimental study of phenol-formaldehyde using the thermal analysis method.

    Keywords Phenolic resin ; Thermodynamic parameters; Thermogravimetric curve; DSC curve


    1 绪论: 3

    1.1  课题背景与意义 3

    1.2 国内外发展情况 4

    1.3  本实验的目的 5

    2 热分析技术 5

    2.1 热分析的基本定义 5

    2.2 示差扫描量热法 6

    2.3 热失重分析法简介 9

    3 PF在氮气条件下的热分析研究 12

    3.1 实验设备 12

    3.2 实验条件 12

    3.3 DSC实验 13

    3.4 TGA实验 16

    结  论 18

    致  谢 19

    参考文献 20


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