
    摘要研究了亚硝酸钠、硫脲、苯胺、乌洛托品、苯甲酸钠、硅酸钠、苯并三氮唑、及它们的复配药剂在0.1mol/L NaOH溶液条件下对于金属铝的缓蚀性能。在缓蚀剂投加量均为1000mg/L的条件下,苯并三氮唑的缓蚀性能最好,缓蚀率达到39.54%。单一缓蚀剂的缓蚀结果表明,最佳投加量和缓蚀率分别为:亚硝酸钠200mg/L,6.74%;硫脲100mg/L,38.43%;硅酸钠100mg/L,46.12%;苯并三氮唑2000mg/L,59.69%。硅酸钠在较低的投加浓度下,表现了较好的缓蚀性能。对钼酸钠、ATMP、苯并三氮唑及硅酸钠按浓度分别为400mg/L、50mg/L、50mg/L、200mg/L复配,该复合缓蚀剂缓蚀率为36%左右,表明在该条件下该复合缓蚀剂没有协同效应。63812

    毕业论文关键词:氢氧化钠  铝  缓蚀剂  重量法


    Title  Development of Aluminum Corrosion Inhibitor Under Alkaline Condition   

    Abstract The corrosion inhibition performance of sodium nitrite, thiourea, aniline, urotropine, sodium benzoate, sodium silicate, benzotriazole, and their composition for aluminum in 0.1mol/L NaOH solution conditions was studied in detail. In the inhibitor dosage was 1000mg/L, benzothiazole corrosion properties is the best, inhibition rate reached 39.54%. Single inhibitor corrosion text results showed that, the optimum dosage and corrosion rates were: sodium nitrite 200mg/L, 6.74%; thiourea 100mg/L 38.43%; sodium silicate 100mg/L, 46.12%; benzothiazole 2000mg/L, 59.69%, respectively. Sodium silicate at low dosage concentration, displayed the inhibiting performance. For the opposite corrosion inhibitor consist of sodium molybdate, ATMP, benzothiazole and sodium silicate with 400mg/L, 50mg/L, 50mg/L, 200mg/L, respectively, the inhibition rate was about 36%, indicated that no synergistic effect was in the composite inhibitor. 

    Keywords  NaOH  Aluminium  Corrosion inhibitor  Gravimetric analysis

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  碱性条件下铝的腐蚀反应原理 1

    1.2  缓释剂 1

    1.2.1  缓蚀剂的定义 1

    1.2.3  缓蚀剂的缓蚀机理 2

    1.2.4  铝缓蚀剂的类型 3

    1.2.5  复合缓蚀剂 4

    1.2.6  新型缓蚀剂 5

    1.3  本研究的意义及主要内容 6

    2  实验部分 6

    2.1  腐蚀率、缓蚀率实验 6

    2.1.1  实验模拟水质 6

    2.1.2  实验原理 6

    2.2  仪器和设备 6

    2.2.1  实验药品 6

    2.2.2  实验仪器 7

    2.3  实验用药品储备液 8

    2.4  实验步骤 8

    2.4.1  寻找缓蚀性能较好的缓蚀剂 8

    2.4.2  单物质缓蚀剂缓蚀性能实验 9

    2.5  数据分析 9

    3  实验结果和分析 10

    3.1  空白实验 10

    3.2  单组份不同物质,相同浓度腐蚀实验 10

    3.2  单组份同种物质,不同投加量腐蚀实验

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