



     Summary Acrylic is used for preparing a large number of co-solvent and water with excellent water-absorbing resin is a versatile organic chemical production necessary raw materials, now widely prepared some of its lipid compounds used in the preparation of the material, but also Preparation of co-solvent and water preferably organic material having excellent water-absorbing resin and a water treatment agent in a large modern chemical fields such as petrochemical, oil, textile, and other related industries in the truth is there are good prospects and broad space for development.

       The raw materials used for the design of propylene oxide in two steps, and also the production process of the main equipment for the material balance and energy balance, as well as acrylic motors, reactor design selection . Design, we first of all according to the requirements of process operation and production characteristics, and with reference to some information related processes, process flow diagram is drawn, then we design the structure according to the results of the calculation process, and we need to draw the final data the main device of FIG. Our designs meet production safety requirements, but also relatively economical.

    Keywords: acrylic acid, a direct oxidation method, material balance, process flow diagrams

    前 言 5

    研究的目的及意义 9

    第1章 工艺流程的确定 10

    1.1丙烯酸生产原理 10

    1.2  拟采用的生产工艺 10

    1.3  主要原料及其规格 10

    1.4  工艺流程图 11

    1.5  工艺流程简述 11

    第二章 物料衡算 12

    2.1  基础数据 12

    2.1.1  全装置工艺数据 12

    2.1.2  工艺配方 12

    2.2  计算基准 13

    2.3  计算 13

    2.3.1  第一氧化反应器的物料衡算 13

    2.3.2  冷却器的物料衡算 15

    2.3.3  第二氧化反应器的物料衡算 15

    2.4  原料消耗综合表 16

    第三章 热量衡算 17

    3.1  基础数据

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