

    毕业论文关键词:煤沥青  喹啉不溶物(QI)  低QI沥青 溶剂萃取  静置沉降  

    Preparation of low QI impregnated asphalt

    Abstract: Coal tar pitch is a mixture of many kinds of fused ring compounds and its derivatives, and its molecular weight distribution is very wide. Therefore, the main research method of coal tar pitch is the solvent extraction method. Coal tar pitch is pided into a number of groups, its composition similar, similar in nature, and then the performance of the various components of the study. The insoluble matter is one of the components in the coal tar pitch. The so-called a, which can be referred to as QI resin, also known as the resin, which is not soluble in the part of the asphalt. Based on the formation of the QI component in the coal tar pitch, the QI can be pided into primary QI and secondary QI. Practices prove that high or low QI content in asphalt. The products have a greater impact on the performance, carbon materials industry is a low QI, high coking value of impregnating pitch. Therefore, development of low QI asphalt become very necessary. In this paper, the synthetic method of solvent extraction and static settling was used to prepare low QI impregnated asphalt. Solvent extraction of coal tar pitch is using mixed solvent solvent of lipid and aromatic solvents and the mixed solvent in coal tar pitch and heating to mix it uniformly and in mixed solvent, coal tar contains primary QI particles agglomerate each other. By settling and deposition in the lower level of the solution, so that coal tar pitch in the QI group pided into isolated, of removing QI group of cleaning coal tar pitch further distillation process to remove the solvent oil, can produce low QI content of impregnating pitch.

    Key words: coal tar pitch (QI), low QI, solvent extraction, static settling.


    1.绪论 1

    1.1  沥青的性质 1

    1.1.1 沥青的物理性质 1

    1.1.2 沥青的化学性质 2

    1.1.3 沥青的热力学性质 2

    1.2 制取浸渍沥青的意义

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