
    摘要:目前铝粉普遍应用于工业涂料,汽车涂料,油墨及化工等产业。其需求量越来越大,在国际上铝粉的生产方法较为多样,本文将着重于研究真空镀铝铝粉的制备方法,并对真空施镀所得的铝膜进行剥离技术探索,获得能够有效将真空镀所得的纳米铝粒子组成的铝膜进行剥离的方法,获得纳米铝粉。通过对多种有机溶剂的浸泡剥离试验实施,比较了不同种有机溶剂剥离的难易程度,获得了以四氢呋喃为主体的有机溶剂体系来处理真空镀铝膜,实现了铝膜上铝粒子的成功剥离,同时通过离心技术对分离所得的溶液进行处理,实现了铝粒子的粉体回收。 61993


    Vacuum aluminum plating of aluminum powder prepared by the technology research

    Abstract: At present aluminium powder is widely used in industrial coatings,automobile coatings, printing ink and chemical industry, etc. Its demand for more and more big, the domestic production of aluminum powder method is more, this article will focus on the study on preparation of vacuum aluminum plating aluminium, and proceeds to the vacuum plating aluminum film stripping technology exploration, can effectively will vacuum plating of nano aluminum particles membrane stripping method, obtain nanometer aluminum powder. Through soaking peel test implementation of a variety of organic solvents, compared the different organic solvents in the detachment, to the difficulty of the obtained with tetrahydrofuran as the main body of the organic solvent system to deal with the vacuum aluminum plating film, to achieve the success of aluminum film on aluminum particles, at the same time through the centrifugal technology to deal with the solution obtained separation, implements the powder recovery of aluminum particles.

    Key words: aluminum powder; Vacuum aluminum plating; stripping

    1.绪论 1

    1.1铝粉的特性 1

    1.1.1鳞片状铝粉的遮盖性 2

    1.1.2铝粉的屏蔽特性 2

    1.1.3铝粉的光学特性 2

    1.1.4铝粉的“双色效应”特性 2

    1.1.5铝粉的漂浮特性 2

    1.2铝粉的未来展望 2

    1.3 铝粉的制备技术现状 3

    1.3.1 乳胶聚合法制备彩色铝粉颜料 3

    1.3.3 PVD法制备纳米片状铝粉 4

    1.4本论文的工作 5

    2.实验部分 6

    2.1 实验药品与仪器 6

    2.1.1 实验药品 6

    实验所需药品如表2-1主要实验药品所示。 6

    2.1.2 主要实验仪器及装置 6

    实验所需仪器及装置如表2-2所示。 6

    2.3实验过程 7

    2.3.1 铝膜的获取 7

    2.3.2 铝粒子的剥离 7

    2.3.3 铝粒子的收集 8

    2.4 结果表征 8

    2.4.1 分离效果评价 8

    2.4.2 形貌观察 8

    2.4.3 粒度分布 9

    3.结果与讨论 10

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