



    A theoretical study on desulfurization reaction of benzothiophene in acidic FAU zeolite

    Abstract:Due to the rapid development of the world economy, the consumption demand for fuel oil energy is increasing year by year. Oil fuels contain great amounts of nitrogen and sulfur elements. Because of this, a large number of consumption of fuel oil energy cause the large amount of SO2 and NOx emissions without control. However, SO2 and NOx will form acid with water in air, which ultimately leads to the formation of strong corrosive acid rain. The acid causes great harm for the environment and human health all over the world. At the same time, the formation of a large number of acid rain have caused immeasurable losses to the economics. According to the survey, 20 provinces in our country have already acid rain. The pH value of the acid in the most serious area is lower than 4.0. In 1995, acid rain pollution caused by SO2 leads to an economic loss of up to 1100 billion yuan for industry, agriculture, green vegetation resources and health, which has almost reached the 2% of China's GDP in 1995. Therefore, how to remove the sulfur content from the fuel oil become a hot point in the field of scientific research. The benzothiophene is the most difficult component for removal in all sulfur contents.

    In this work, using quantum chemistry method, we calculated energy values for each step of desulfurization process of benzothiophene in acidic FAU zeolite to analyze the chemical structures of transition states and intermediates. By the molecular structures and energy data, we can carry out a reasonable analysis. According to the calculated data, we can obtain the final product, the energy data, and other information for the desulfurization process in acidic FAU zeolite.

    Keywords: oil fuel; acid rain; FAU zeolite; benzothiophene; desulfurization


    1 绪论 1

    1.1硫化物的危害 1

    1.2硫化物的性质 1

    1.2.1硫化物的类型 1

    1.2.2硫化物的分布 3


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