




    Abstract::The phenol wastewater from coring factory is always of high concentration . It will cause a lot of pollution without treatment. In this design, the activated sludge is used to treat this kind of high concentration of phenol wastewater. The concentration of phenol and other biodegradable organisms are degraded by microbial metabolism. After the waste water is disposed by the process of oil bas removal. Biochemical action, coagulate precipitation, the zeolite adsorption column and so on, the quality of effluent can meet the emission control regulations of those industry wastewater.

    The design includes: selection of technological process, the type choosing and calculation of the main parts of the plant, plane arrangement and pipe calculation of the treatment station, design of the supplementary parts of the plant, estimation of economy of the plant etc.

    Moreover, the domestic and international relevant knowledge with the phenol wastewater processing technique and live and dirty mires are also expatiated in this article.

    Keywords: waste water with phenol, the activated sludge system, A/O secondary biological treatment system, the zeolite adsorption column


    1.  概述 5

    1.1  焦化厂污水性质简介及净化处理技术 5

    1.1.1  焦化厂污水的产生及其性质 5

    1.1.2  焦化废水除酚技术简介 6

    1.2  焦化废水处理技术和应用实例 7

    1.2.1  调节池 7

    1.2.2  隔油池 7

    1.2.3  生物处理 7

    1.3  焦化废水污染防治的对策和措施 8

    1.3.1  制定污染防治规划 8

    1.3.2  实施清洁生产 9

    1.3.3  废水回用 9

    1.3.4  加强生产管理 9

    1.4  原始资料 9

    1.4.1  概述 9

    1.4.2  设计用的原始资料 10

    1.5  工艺流程 11

    2.  工艺设计计算 12

    2.1  总体设计 12

    2.1.1  预处理设计 12

    2.1.2  生物处理 18

    2.2  污水管网的计算 35

    2.2.1  各构筑物的水头损失 35

    2.2.2  水力计算 35

    2.3  污泥系统管路计算 40

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