


    Abstract:One of the key factors responsible for eutrophication of the receiving waterways especially in the developing countries is phosphate originated from industrial effluents . Recently we proposed a novel process to immobilize nanoparticulate hydrated ferric oxide (HFO) within a macroporous anion exchange resin NDA-201, and obtained a hybrid adsorbent (NDA201-HFO) for strengthened phosphate removal from aqueous system. The resulting NDA201-HFO possesses two types of adsorption sites for phosphate removal, the ammonium groups link to the NDA-201 matrix and the loaded HFO nano-particles. The coexisting sulfate anion strongly fights for ammonium groups, which bind phosphate through electrostatic interaction. However, it does not cause any noticeable effect on phosphate adsorption by the loaded HFO nanoparticles, which is driven by the formation of the inner-sphere complexes. Fixed-bed column tests indicate that phosphate retention by NDA201-HFO from the synthetic waters causes the significant decrease of P from 2 mg/L to less than 0.01 mg/L, with the treatment capacity of w700 bed volume (BV) per run, while that for NDA-201 was less than 200 BV under otherwise identical conditions. Such satisfactory performance of the hybrid adsorbent is mainly attributed to the specific affinity of HFO toward phosphate as well as the Donnan membrane effect exerted by the anion exchanger support NDA-201. Moreover, the exhausted NDA201-HFO was assemble to efficient in situ regeneration with a binary NaOH–NaCl solution for repeated use without any important capacity loss. Similar satisfactory results were also observed by using a phosphate-containing industrial effluent as the feeding solution.

    Keywords:hybrid absorbent,hydrated ferric oxide,Phospate 

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    2  实验材料与方法 5

    2.1  试剂 5

    2.2仪器 5

    2.3  NDA201-HFO的制备 5

    2.4  实验方法 6

    2.5  实验结果与讨论 7

    2.5.1  pH值的影响 7

    2.5.2  吸附动力学 9

    2.5.3  竞争吸附实验 10

    2.5.4  吸附等温线 10

    2.5.5  柱吸附- 脱附实验

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