    关键词: 苯乙烯;α-甲基苯乙烯;龙葵醛;2-苯基环氧丙烷;金属酞菁
    Study on the Epoxidation of Styrene Compounds
    Abstract:Styrene compound is an organic intermediates in the synthesis of an important class of applications widely. The three membered ring in its structure with special tension, epoxidation of such compounds is an important step to obtain fine chemicals.Therefore, the epoxidation reaction of Styrene compounds has aroused the interests of researchers.In recent years,under the guidance of the concept of green and sustainable chemistry,more researchers dedicate to research the catalytic epoxidation reaction with molecular oxygen as oxidant under mild conditions.
    The catalytic epoxidation of Styrene compounds with molecular oxygen requires only one oxygen atom. It is difficult to form olefin epoxidation directly using oxygen. Therefore, it is a key to select suitable catalysts in the epoxidation reaction. Metal ion phthalocyanine ligand has a unique catalytic activity and can catalyze the oxidation of all kinds of organic reactions under mild conditions. In this paper the metal phthalocyanine was selected as the catalyst. It was used for the catalytic epoxidation of Styrene and alpha methyl styrene with molecular oxygen.
    The epoxidation of styrene and alpha methyl styrene was studies in this paper.In order to explore the epoxidation reaction of alpha methyl styrene,to investigate the catalysts properties, and to discuss the reaction factor.The optimum condition was obtained with 25℃, time 4 h, amount of CoPc/Al2O3 catalyst 2%, ratio of aldehyde and cyclohexene 3:1, with almost 100% raw material conversion and 40.78% epoxide product. When the reaction temperature is 10℃, the other reaction conditions are not changed, Selective Hydratropic aldehyde 59.18%.Free radical mechanism had been proposed for the epoxidation of alpha methyl styrene.
    The ring-opening reaction of styrene and alpha methyl styrene was studied using after the success of the epoxidation in this paper.The experimental conditions used in the acid hydrolysis, control the pH value of system about 2, the conversion and the yield rate were 100%
    Key Words: Styrene; methyl styrene; hydratropic aldehyde; 2- phenyl oxirane; metal  phthalocyanine
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    1.1 苯乙烯的简介、作用及开发    1
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